LEGAL, Siskiyou

Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office Weekly Booking Report: January 6-13, 2025

A Not-So-Smart Day in Siskiyou County

It started like many poor decisions do – at 2:40 AM on I-5 near Easy Street. Our protagonist, having already made the unwise choice to drive under the influence, compounds the error by providing false identification to the officer who pulled them over. They’ve also forgotten about the drug paraphernalia in plain view on the passenger seat.

By sunrise, another individual decides to evade CHP on I-5 near Weed, apparently unaware that running from law enforcement rarely ends well – especially when there’s already a warrant out for their arrest. The $250,000 bail that follows serves as an expensive lesson in physics: you can’t outrun radio waves.

Midday brings the classic “warrant Wednesday” energy (despite it not being Wednesday), as several people decide to stop by the jail lobby to turn themselves in for outstanding warrants. At least they picked a convenient time for booking staff.

The afternoon sees the usual parade of retail-related lapses in judgment at Walmart and other local stores, while the evening hours bring the predictable mix of DUIs and domestic disturbances. Someone decides to trespass at a local business, apparently surprised when this results in a trip to jail.

The I-5 corridor continues its role as an impromptu delivery system for out-of-state residents making poor choices, including several from Oregon and Washington who seem genuinely surprised that California law enforcement might take issue with transporting controlled substances.

Meanwhile, the “failure to appear” warrants stack up like cordwood, as various individuals demonstrate their creative interpretation of the phrase “mandatory court appearance.”

The story ends as it began – with another late-night booking, this time for someone who thought driving on a suspended license wouldn’t be noticed at 11:26 PM. They were wrong.

Moral of the story: Crime doesn’t pay, unless you’re a cop!

Booking #2501169 – Andrew B. AARVOLD
25-year-old male from Durango, CO arrested by CHP Mount Shasta on I-5/N. Weed (Jan 6, 11:45 AM) for felony evading and being a fugitive from justice. Total bail $270,000. Still in custody.

Booking #2501201 – Amber A. ARIZA
42-year-old female from Happy Camp, CA arrested by CHP (Jan 10, 12:20 PM) on SR-96 Dillion Creek for drug possession, paraphernalia, and multiple failures to appear. Released same day.

Booking #2501182 – Andrea J. ASHBY
44-year-old female from Yreka, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 8, 9:26 AM) at T-Mobile Fort Jones Rd for failure to appear. Released same day.

Booking #2501219 – David L. AYALA
44-year-old male from Sacramento, CA arrested by WPD (Jan 12, 1:14 PM) on N Weed Blvd for domestic violence ($50,000 bail) and damaging communications device. Released same day, Sacramento court date 4/10/25.

Booking #2501211 – Geraldine L. BAILEY
41-year-old female from Yreka, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 11, 6:58 PM) at Rain Rock for felony drug possession. Released next day with telephonic OR to appear March 5.

Booking #2501215 – Jennifer BISAGNO
37-year-old female from Mt. Shasta, CA arrested by MSPD (Jan 12) at 710 Carmen Avenue for felony domestic violence. $50,000 bail, released same day after posting bail.

Booking #2501217 – Eric L. BREED
49-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 12, 1:55 AM) at 5012 Humbug Creek for trespassing. Released same day with promise to appear Feb 25.

Booking #2501167 – David A. BRUSH
44-year-old male from Montague, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 6, 12:15 PM) at South Main @ Moonlit on a no-bail bench warrant for failure to appear on misdemeanor charge. Court date Feb 18.

Booking #2501202 – Larissa K. COX
33-year-old female from Fort Jones, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 10, 5:06 PM) in Yreka for prohibited person possessing ammunition ($20,000 bail), drug paraphernalia, and failure to appear. Remained in custody.

Booking #2501226 – Michael A. CRIST
52-year-old male from Weed, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 13, 11:26 PM) on Hwy 97 for driving on suspended license and failure to appear. Released same day.

Booking #2501222 – Frank P. DAILEY
54-year-old male from Fort Jones, CA arrested by EPD (Jan 12, 6:04 PM) at Newton/Bridge St for carrying concealed weapon in vehicle (felony). $20,000 bail. Released same day.

Booking #2501198 – Michael A. DAVIS
42-year-old male from Weed, CA arrested by WPD (Jan 10, 2:36 PM) on N. Weed Blvd for manufacturing/selling leaded cane (felony) and failure to appear. Released same day.

Booking #2501183 – Andrew G. DOWNER
37-year-old male from Weed, CA turned himself in at jail lobby (Jan 8, 3:30 PM) on multiple bench warrants: two felony failure to appear charges ($40,000 bail each) and one misdemeanor failure to appear ($5,000 bail). Released same day.

Booking #2501227 – Christine M. DUMAN
40-year-old female from Ukiah, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 13, 2:40 AM) on I-5 @ Easy Street for giving false ID to police, drug possession, drug paraphernalia, and DUI. Court date Jan 13.

Booking #2501180 – Cheyenne R. ESKEW
29-year-old female from Grants Pass, OR arrested by SCSO (Jan 8, 12:44 AM) at 1915 Old Stage Mount Shasta for drug possession, paraphernalia, smuggling drugs into jail, identity theft, and multiple warrant violations. No bail warrants, remained in custody.

Booking #2501200 – Jeremiah S. FLETCHER
42-year-old male from Fortuna, CA arrested by CHP (Jan 10, 12:09 PM) at SR-96 Dillon Creek for giving false ID to police, drug possession, and drug paraphernalia. Released same day with Feb 18 court date.

Booking #2501170 – Kyle GALLAND
32-year-old male from Sacramento, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 6) at O’Reilly Auto Parts on warrants from Foster City PD ($1,000) and Belmont PD ($3,500) for drug paraphernalia and failure to appear. Released same day.

Booking #2501185 – Warren T. GEPHART
29-year-old male from Fort Jones, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 8, 3:12 PM) on warrant from Shasta County for parole violation. Released Jan 10.

Booking #2501172 – Jose GRANT
18-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by CHP (Jan 6, 8:32 PM) on Main Street Yreka for driving under age 21 with BAC of 0.05% (infraction), DUI alcohol, and DUI over 0.08%. Released same day with March 11 court date.

Booking #2501194 – Shawn P. HAAS
38-year-old male from Mt. Shasta, CA arrested by MSPD (Jan 9, 1:50 PM) on N Mt Shasta Blvd on felony warrant for failure to appear with $25,000 bail. Released same day on supervised OR per Judge Lawrence.

Booking #2501221 – Emma R. HARRIS
30-year-old female from Fort Jones, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 12, 5:02 PM) at DMV for felony petty theft with priors, probation violation, one felony warrant ($20,000), and four misdemeanor warrants ($5,000 each) for failure to appear. Released with telephonic OR to appear March 5.

Booking #2501184 – Travis L. HINDS
47-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 8, 4:10 PM) at jail lobby for exhibiting deadly weapon, domestic violence, and violating domestic violence court order. Released same day.

Booking #2501189 – Erik S. HOBART
51-year-old male from San Diego, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 8, 11:05 PM) on southbound I-5 in Yreka for drug paraphernalia, possession of controlled substance, and felony drug possession with priors ($20,000 bail). Released Jan 9.

Booking #2501176 – Jacob L. HOWARD
31-year-old male from Fort Jones, CA turned himself in to SCSO (Jan 7, 2:55 PM) at the jail lobby on a felony warrant for failure to appear with $25,000 bail. Released same day.

Booking #2501220 – Kenji V. HUGHES
29-year-old male from Mt. Shasta, CA arrested by WPD (Jan 12, 3:45 PM) on Bleack Butte Dr. for resisting/obstructing a peace officer. Released same day with a February 25 court date.

Booking #2501223 – Heather L. JACOBSON
52-year-old female from Yreka, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 12, 7:15 PM) at 1400 Black Flume St for misdemeanor battery. Released same day with February 25 court date.

Booking #2501191 – Kelsie L. JOHNSON
39-year-old female from Yreka, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 9, 10:10 AM) at Walmart Yreka for two counts of probation violation. Court date January 13.

Booking #2501206 – Lao LAO
48-year-old male from Brooklyn Center, MN arrested by SCSO (Jan 10, 9:15 PM) at A-12 Juniper Dr for possession of marijuana for sale and transportation of marijuana. Released same day with February 25 court date.

Booking #2501216 – Andrew R. LIBERTY
27-year-old Hispanic male from Renton, WA arrested by CHP Mount Shasta (Jan 11, 11:46 PM) on southbound I-5 in Weed for DUI (drug). Released with promise to appear March 18.

Booking #2501181 – James O. LISKEY
37-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 8, 12:44 AM) at 1915 S Old Stage Rd for drug possession, drug paraphernalia, and multiple failures to appear, including one out of Shasta County. Released January 9 with promise to appear March 18.

Booking #2501179 – John F. LOLLICH SR
63-year-old Native American male from Eureka, CA surrendered at jail lobby (Jan 7, 6:25 PM) for possessing controlled substance while armed, carrying concealed weapon, and driving on suspended license. Case notes indicate he owed 90 days with credit for 2 days, to serve 44 days.

Booking #2501193 – Lang Pae LOR
33-year-old Asian male from Montague, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 9, 2:42 PM) at Desovado, Hornbrook for making criminal threats ($25,000 bail) and violating domestic violence court order. Released January 11.

Booking #2501164 – Stephanie T. LUJAN
41-year-old female from Yreka, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 6, 11:18 AM) at 1800 Fort Jones Rd for shoplifting ($5,000 bail) and failure to appear (no bail). Released same day.

Booking #2501175 – Manuel C. LUNA
44-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by CHP (Jan 7, 12:55 AM) on SR/3 Highway 3 Mineral Range for DUI, felon in possession of firearm ($20,000 bail), carrying concealed weapon, carrying loaded firearm in public, and prohibited person possessing ammunition. Released January 8.

Booking #2501207 – Nico MASTRANGELO-MITCHELL
36-year-old male from Redding, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 10, 6:30 PM) at Harry Cash Rd @ A-12 for possession and transportation of marijuana for sale. Released January 11.

Booking #2501192 – Marcus I. MENDEZ
40-year-old Hispanic male from Yreka, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 9, 2:50 PM) at Yreka Junction on warrant for failure to appear ($5,000 bail). Released same day and cited to appear February 18 at Siskiyou Superior Court.

Booking #2501186 – Jesus MENDOZA
76-year-old Hispanic male from Macdoel, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 8, 3:06 PM) at 15504 Old State Macdoel Highway for murder. Bail set at $1,000,000, adjusted in court by Judge Linville. Court date January 21.

Booking #2501174 – Andrew M. MESA
47-year-old male from Mt. Shasta, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 7, 2:05 AM) on Reamy Ave for DUI alcohol, DUI over 0.08%, and resisting/obstructing an officer. Released same day with March 11 court date.

Booking #2501177 – John H. MOKRES
64-year-old male from Fort Jones, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 7, 3:30 PM) at jail lobby on three separate warrants for failure to appear, each with $6,000 bail. Released same day.

Booking #2501173 – Robert M. MORRISON JR
33-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 7, 2:37 AM) at 3008 E Oberlin for resisting/obstructing an officer and parole violation. Out-of-county hold placed by CDCR. Remained in custody.

Booking #2501214 – Robert Rainbow NELSON
53-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 11, 11:49 PM) at 735 N Main St for trespassing/obstructing business operations. Released January 12.

Booking #2501190 – Wendy D. NICKELL
61-year-old female from KRCE, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 9, 9:45 AM) at jail lobby on warrant for misdemeanor domestic battery. Released same day by court order.

Booking #2501197 – Michael L. PENCE
32-year-old male from Hornbrook, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 9, 8:40 PM) at FMC on two bench warrants with $5,000 bail each. Released same day.

Booking #2501163 – David L. PETERSON III
20-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by CHP (Jul 16, 2024, 9:43 PM) in Montague for DUI and hit and run with injury. Released January 6.

Booking #2501166 – Zachary R. REED
31-year-old male from Fort Jones, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 6, 12:20 PM) at Scarface Rd for felony vandalism with $20,000 bail. Released January 8.

Booking #2501213 – Ralph F. REILLY JR
59-year-old male from Hornbrook, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 11, 8:58 PM) on Salmon St for DUI alcohol and DUI over 0.08%. Released January 12.

Booking #2501199 & #2501224 – Devin B. ROBERTS
34-year-old male from Yreka, CA had two bookings: First on Jan 10 by YPD at 400 N Foothill for battery and public intoxication; second on Jan 12 by CHP Mount Shasta in Quartz Valley for public intoxication. Released both times same day with February 25 court date.

Booking #2501178 – Robert L. ROBINS III
29-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 7, 5:25 PM) on South Main Street on felony warrant for failure to appear with $50,000 bail. Remained in custody.

Booking #2501162 – Tadera B. SEMPLE
39-year-old female from Yreka, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 6, 9:40 AM) in Yreka for driving on suspended license, drug paraphernalia, and failure to appear. Released same day with February 18 court date.

Booking #2501187 – Terry D. SENF
69-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 8, 5:18 PM) at Fairchild Medical Center for felony domestic violence with $50,000 bail. Released January 10.

Booking #2501209 – Khamphone SIVONGSA
47-year-old Asian male from Edgewood, CA arrested by CHP Mount Shasta (Jan 11, 9:52 AM) at jail lobby for DUI over 0.08%. Released same day as this was a commitment booking.

Booking #2501161 – Mark A. SMITH
51-year-old male from Montague, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 5, 11:14 PM) on Old Montague Rd for felony possession of controlled substance with $20,000 bail. Released January 6.

Booking #2501205 – Jimmy R. STUMBAUGH
60-year-old Hispanic male from Lemoore, CA arrested by CHP Mount Shasta (Jan 10, 7:58 PM) on Dunsmuir Ave I-5 for felony drug possession with priors ($20,000 bail) and parole violation. Released January 11 on telephonic OR with promise to appear March 5.

Booking #2501171 – Ernestine L. TAYLOR
28-year-old Black female from Weed, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 6, 4:29 PM) on I-5 for multiple failures to appear. Released same day.

Booking #2501195 – Travis J.D. TRAYNOR
34-year-old male from Yreka, CA arrested by YPD (Jan 9, 3:45 PM) at S. Main/Bruce St on warrant for misdemeanor domestic violence ($5,000 bail), exhibiting a deadly weapon, and a San Luis Obispo failure to appear warrant. Released January 10.

Booking #2501225 – Tou Bee VUE
40-year-old Asian male from Wausau, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 12, 10:02 PM) at 3 J’s on warrant for failure to appear from 2020. Released same day with March 11 court date.

Booking #2501188 – Heather L. WEIDNER
42-year-old female from Weed, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 8, 10:56 PM) at Pilot Gas Station for drug possession. Released January 9 with promise to appear February 18.

Booking #2501204 – Kelley D. YOUNGBLOOD
52-year-old female from Fort Jones, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 10, 5:06 PM) in Yreka on felony warrant for failure to appear with $40,000 bail. Released same day.

Booking #2501196 – Jeffrey M. ZINK
41-year-old male from Grants Pass, CA arrested by SCSO (Jan 9, 6:42 PM) at sallyport on multiple serious charges: felony evading, identity theft and fraud, several drug possession charges, and a Pomona Police Department warrant. Remained in custody.

Period from January 6-13, 2025, and shows arrests made by various agencies throughout Siskiyou County.

Arrest Arrested bookings CDF&W chinook CHSRA coho Copco Dam Removal Dunsmuir Dunsmuir Elementary Easter Egg Hunt EHS Etna EtnaCa FERC Irongate Iron Gate Jail KCOC Klamath National Forest klamath river Klamath River Dams KNF KRRC McCloud Montague Mount Shasta Mt Shasta obituary Rodeo Salmon Scott River Scott Valley SCSO sheriff Siskiyou Siskiyou County Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors Siskiyou District Attorney Office Siskiyou Golden Fair USDA KNF weedca YPD Yreka


  1. Doesn't Matter

    I’m wondering why it is that some point out Hispanic, Black, Asian & Native American. While others don’t have a race stated. I’m guessing those that don’t, are White or Caucasian.
    Just found it strange

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