Short Stories, Siskiyou

Siskiyou Writers Club – November Story Selection

For These Things, I Give Thanks

By Mike Grifantini

My chore–given to me,
Assigned to all,
is to put into words what I am thankful for.

I ponder the question—
what makes me happy,
or thoughtful,
or contented,
–then, I write this poem:

I am thankful for the fresh snow on the ridgetops,
stark blue sky above them,
—and the eyesight that allows me to take in the view!

I am thankful for the children at play in the park,
swishing down the slide,
giggling as they spin on the merry go round,
—and the hearing that lets me take in that music!

I am thankful for my friends and family,
the ones still here and the ones gone,
—and the appreciation of what they are or were!

I am thankful for my food,
savory meats,
sweet cakes,
flavorful fruits,
—and the teeth that allow me to process them.

I am thankful for the smoothness of obsidian,
the coarseness of sand,
the flakiness of pine bark,
–and the senses to feel their differences.

I am thankful for the diversity around me,
skin colors,
—and the ability to see the value in each.

I am thankful for books,
and ideas,
and poems,
and songs,
—and the creative people that give them birth.

I am thankful for my interests,
—and hope to find more before my end.

I am thankful for living without fear,
or violence,
or anarchy,
or hunger,
—and wish all people were so fortunate.

I am thankful for those that provide the glue in our society,
teachers and healers,
guides and fixers,
–and pray that they continue with their work.

These are the things I am grateful for.
Simple things,
Profound things.

The Siskiyou Writers Club is open to folks with a passion for creative writing of all genres. We
generally meet the last Thursday of the month in various locations throughout Siskiyou County.
You are welcome to join us.

For more information about the club, contact:
Bob Kaster, 530-598-5204 – email: [email protected]
or Mike Grifantini, 530-710-4882 – email: [email protected]

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