In a preliminary report released September 20th, 2004, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has shared the initial counts of Fall-run Chinook and Coho Salmon returning to several North State rivers for the 2024 season. The data, while still in its early stages, provides a glimpse into the health of these crucial fish populations.
Shasta River Leads in Early Returns
The Shasta River counting station, positioned approximately 600 feet from its confluence with the Klamath River, began operations on August 29. As of September 17, it has recorded two adult Chinook Salmon. This station serves as a comprehensive census for the entire Shasta River system.
The Bogus Creek station, situated a quarter-mile upstream from its confluent with the Klamath River, became operational on September 5. However, no adult salmon of either species have been observed there as of the latest count.
The Scott River station, located 18 miles upstream from its Klamath River confluence, started its count on September 13. It has registered one adult Chinook Salmon so far.
Notably, no Coho Salmon have been observed at any of the operational stations to date.
The CDFW reports that the counting facilities on Shovel Creek and Jenny Creek are not yet operational for the season.
Officials caution that these numbers represent very early data in the salmon run. Moreover, the counts for the Scott River and Bogus Creek may not reflect the total population, as significant portions of these rivers’ salmon often spawn downstream of the counting stations.
The Department emphasizes that this update does not account for spawning escapement occurring below these stations. Comprehensive reports detailing the total escapement for each river will be made available after the data is finalized at the end of the season.
As the salmon run progresses, the CDFW plans to provide regular updates, offering a clearer picture of the 2024 salmon returns in Northern California’s vital waterways.
2024-2025 in-season preliminary Chinook Salmon observations at the Shasta River adult fish counting facility compared with 2001-2023
(2 adult Chinook Salmon has been observed through September 17, 2024).
2024-2025 in-season preliminary Chinook Salmon observations at the Bogus Creek adult fish counting facility compared with 2003-2023
(0 adult Chinook Salmon have been observed through September 17, 2024).
2024-2025 in-season preliminary Chinook Salmon observations at the Scott River adult fish counting facility compared with 2008-2023
(1 adult Chinook Salmon has been observed through September 17, 2024).
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