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Dunsmuir Business Roundtable Meeting

Dunsmuir City Manager Dustin Rief talks to active community members about city projects in an informal meeting to get input and bring awareness to Dunsmuir business owners and organizations in the community. 

Dunsmuir City Manager Dustin Rief, held a ‘business roundtable’ meeting with members and business owners of the community to share the City’s projects and to get input on them. 

Held at the Dunsmuir Brewery Works, the informal meeting, hosted by the Dunsmuir Chamber of Commerce, was a “forward-thinking meeting” according to Dunsmuir Brewery Works proprietor, Aaron Greener. 

The City of Dunsmuir projects includes:

1) The Union Pacific $60 billion cleanup which includes removing the public works building.

2) Work on overlaying three damaged streets in Dunsmuir: Apple Street, Branstetter Steet, and Hope Street. 

3)  The new 900,000-gallon water tank project, state water regulations dealing with the spring, and painting the tank.

4) The $2 million stainless steel piping project for the spring on Saint Germain’s property by Mossbrea Falls to increase water pressure for firefighting and monitoring the water intake. 

5) The $4 million project for the reconstruction of the Butterfly Bridge. 

6) Caltrans project to redo the southbound bridge and the northbound lanes by Mott Road; this 13-mile project is estimated to take about three years. 

7) The Mossbrea Falls Trail and how the City is now leading this project. 

8) Downtown revitalization grants. They have received 4 proposals and are planning to engage the community for more input.

9) Active transportation such as walking and cycling in town, including ADA accessibility and parking, and how to implement it. 

10) Submitting mural grants for the underpass on Dunsmuir Avenue. This 3-year project will include elementary school children and community workshops.

11) Housing element component and rezoning for economic development.  

12) Citywide issues such as updating the sewer master plan. 

13) The downtown wifi project to improve cellular reception in downtown Dunsmuir from Burger Barn to the Post Office and at the Community Center.

14) The $9 million Amtrack revitalization project. 

 Most of the 22 people in attendance on the morning of May 2nd, including members of the Dunsmuir Chamber, City Council, Dunsmuir Firewise Preparedness, and other active businesses in the community brought up good points on the different subjects and said that they felt informed and supported. 

The City Manager has 13 public work staff including the fire chief and code enforcer. Discussions included changing regulations to help with snow removal issues, cleaning up problem properties, and housing. Dunsmuir has 1,820 full-time residents. There are 300 houses that are unoccupied. The town relies on its businesses, the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT), and tourism. But mostly, community support to continue to make Dunsmuir a prettier and more sustainable place live and thrive. 

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