Latest News, Siskiyou, South County

The City of Dunsmuir is Seeking Your Input to Develop a City-Wide Active Transportation Plan

The plan will help improve pedestrian, bicycle, and transit through the city

Dunsmuir, CA [April 12, 2023] – The City of Dunsmuir, in partnership with CivicWell and KTUA, was awarded a Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant to prepare an Active Transportation Plan for the City. The project is now seeking community input to develop the plan.

“Active transportation” refers to all active modes of transportation, including walking and bicycling, as well as using wheelchairs and other mobility devices, push and electric scooters, electric bikes, skateboards, and other new and evolving mobility options. These transportation options are vital for accessing daily destinations and maintaining healthy lifestyles. The plan will evaluate key issues and develop a prioritized list of projects, designs, and recommendations to implement pedestrian, bicycle, and transit improvements around Dunsmuir. This grant aligns with the city’s vision statement to “celebrate our active and creative community” said Blake Michaelsen, Finance Director, with the City of Dunsmuir.

The City is currently in the initial stages of the plan preparation and is asking for residents’ input regarding active transportation. Please take this community survey at and add comments on this mapping tool identifying issues you often experience in Dunsmuir. Please don’t forget to share these with your friends, family, and neighbors to help us develop the plan!

In June 2023, the City will host a series of workshops and events to engage with community members and provide opportunities for learning and gathering ideas that will help develop a community vision for the Active Transportation Plan. Stay tuned to hear more about the project and these activities by signing up to receive project updates!

For more information about the Dunsmuir Active Transportation Plan and to learn how to get involved, please visit the project website at

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