LEGAL, Siskiyou

Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Wild West Wanted Wall – February 3rd, 2025

01/26/2025 to 02/03/2025

*Errors or omissions may exist. All subjects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges and dispositions may be amended or dismissed at any time. An arrest does not imply guilt.

Wisdom from the Sheriff:
“Y’all keep robbin’, drinkin’, and skippin’ court like it’s 1849. Newsflash: We got WiFi now.
— Judge “QuickDraw” Linville
Siskiyou County: Where the only thing wilder than the west is your rap sheet.

“Three-Strike Christine” Anduja
Age: 42
Last Seen: Deer Creek Parking Lot, practicing her “disappearing act” after skipping court.
Crimes: Forgetting promises (twice), carrying a “party kit” (drugs + paraphernalia).
Wild West Justice: $6,000 bail to fund the sheriff’s new gold-plated handcuffs. Court date: High Noon, 02/25.

“Bench-Warrant Barbie” Ashby
Age: 44
Hideout: Moonlit Oaks, where she thought shadows hid felony warrants.
Crimes: Ghosting the judge (felony edition).
Wild West Justice: $25k bail. Pro tip: Oaks don’t pay your fines.

“Tipsy Tumbleweed” Auten
Age: 45
Last Stand: Jail Lobby (bold move). Blew 0.08% trying to outrun a breathalyzer.
Wild West Wisdom: Released faster than a jackrabbit. Sheriff’s note: “Maybe stick to sarsaparilla.”

“DUI Dynamo” Burton
Age: 36
Ride: Quartz Valley Road chariot (15801).
Crimes: Double-dippin’ in the whiskey barrel.
Wild West Warning: Court date 04/01. April Fool’s? Not for you, partner.

“McMuffin Bandit” Fink
Age: 39
Heist Location: Yreka McDonald’s. Stole nuggets? Fries? Nope—just petty pride.
Wild West Shame: $5k bail. Ronald McDonald’s fuming.

“Cohabitant Cowboy” Fletcherzannotto
Age: 24
Crimes: Domestic drama at King Street Corral. Twice. Even his horse filed a restraining order.
Wild West Verdict: $50k bail. Judge Linville’s verdict: “Yee-haw nope.”

“Miner Street Maestro” Endres
Age: 24
Joyride: Middle/Evergreen, proving “liquid courage” isn’t a driving skill.
Wild West Win: Released on a pinky swear to court. Sheriff’s side-eye: intense.

“Jalopy Jack” Gonzalez
Age: 70
Crimes: Borrowed a wagon sans permission, then got too cozy with Old Jail Parking Lot.
Wild West Wisdom: Released faster than a greased pig. Senior discount denied.

“Scobie Street Pharmacist” Hayes
Age: 60
Inventory: “Controlled substances” and a pipe cleaner business.
Wild West Win: Released to “try again, but maybe don’t.”

“Warrant Wrangler” Hill
Age: 34
Hideout: Jackson County Jail (failed hide-and-seek champion).
Wild West Tax: $20k bail. Extra fee for terrible hiding spots.

“Greenhorn Ghost” Jackson
Age: 27
Crimes: Double-booked for “How to Avoid Court 101.”
Wild West Math: $12k bail = 12,000 reasons to RSVP next time.

“Sally Port Slammer” Johnson
Age: 45
Crime: False imprisonment (jury still out on whether his ego counted).
Wild West Lockup: Held without bail. Sheriff’s note: “Turns out, kidnapping’s frowned upon.”

“Casino Cutpurse” Liskey
Age: 37
Heist: Tried shoplifting near the casino. Forgot evading cops isn’t a slot machine game.
Wild West Verdict: Court date 03/11. Sheriff’s tip: “Steal luck, not loot.”

“Suspended License Lumberjack” Martinez
Age: 41
Crime: Drove a suspended license to… nowhere important.
Wild West Wisdom: Court date 03/18. Sheriff’s chuckle: “Walk. It’s scenic!”

“Shastina Stash” McKay
Age: 46
Hideout: IG Springs Rd. Found with “party favors.”
Wild West Whimper: Court date 03/18. Spoiler: The stash wasn’t candy.

16. “Laundry Bandit” Nelson
Age: 53
Crimes: Trespassed in a laundry chute (twice!). Motive: Free dryer sheets?
Wild West Mockery: Court dates 03/11 and 02/05. Sheriff’s note: “Soap’s free at the store, buddy.”

“Goodwill Grifter” Palmer
Age: 42
Score: A one-way ticket to Public Intoxicationville.
Wild West Verdict: Court date 03/18. Spoiler: They don’t sell dignity there.

“Lobby Brawler” Perry
Age: 46
Crime: Assault with a side of “Oops, did I do that?”
Wild West Win: Released but owes 43 days. Sheriff’s tally: sharpening pencil.

“Airport Roadlight Lush” Phillips
Age: 38
Joyride: Montague Airport Rd. Blew 0.08% trying to fly a car.
Wild West Wisdom: Released, but gravity’s still undefeated.

“Interlock Rebel” Rabedew
Age: 58
Crimes: Drove without the “DUI chastity belt” (ignition interlock).
Wild West Fine: $5k bail. Pro tip: Horses don’t need interlocks.

“Not-So-Obscure Offender” Sheets
Age: 21
Crime: Possessed “art” that’d make a cactus blush.
Wild West Shame: $20k bail. Sheriff’s note: “No Bueno, kid.”

all 55 bookings from the report for 01/27/2025 to 02/03/2025:

CHRISTINE MARIE ANDUJA, 42, of YREKA, CA, was arrested on 02/01/2025 at 07:10 at DEER CREEK PARKING LOT by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: Failure to appear after written promise, possession of controlled substance, possession of unlawful paraphernalia. Court date 02/25/2025 at 13:00. Total bail $6,000.

ANDREA JOYCE ASHBY, 44, of YREKA, CA, was arrested on 02/01/2025 at 08:09 at S. MAIN @ MOONLIT OAKS by Yreka Police Dept. Charge: Felony bench warrant for failure to appear. Court date 02/03/2025 at 15:00. Bail $25,000.

JANUARY MARIE AUTEN, 45, of SWEET HOME, OR, arrested on 01/30/2025 at 10:53 at JAIL LOBBY by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: DUI alcohol/0.08 percent. Released on 01/30/2025.

MANUEL CLAUDIO AVELINO, 34, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 02/03/2025 at 01:40 at CASSON WELDING by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: Disorderly conduct, failure to appear after written promise (4 counts). Released on 02/03/2025.

IVANA LYNN BALCOM, 28, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 21:55 at MOTT TRUCKING by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: Failure to appear after written promise (3 counts). Released on 01/28/2025.

JOHNNY JAMES BILLINGSLEA, 28, of STOCKTON, CA, arrested on 02/01/2025 at 20:28 at COLLIER REST AREA by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Evading peace officer, driving on suspended license for DUI, hit and run, felony bench warrant.

VINCENT LESLIE BOWERS, 57, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 22:44 at 777 CASINO WAY by unknown agency. Charges: DUI drugs, possession of unlawful paraphernalia. Released on 01/28/2025.

DAVID WILLIAM BOYER, 55, of MONTAGUE, CA, arrested on 02/02/2025 at 21:18 at WEBB/ 10TH ST by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Driving on suspended license, felony probation violation.

BEAU BURNELL BURTON, 36, of FORT JONES, CA, arrested on 01/30/2025 at 17:59 by unknown agency. Charges: DUI alcohol, DUI alcohol/0.08 percent. Court date 04/01/2025 at 13:00.

BETHICA JANNETTE CASE, 19, of FORT JONES, CA, arrested on 01/26/2025 at 23:05 at 12912 YAMITCH by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Grossly negligent discharge of firearm, carrying loaded firearm in public, manufacturing large capacity magazine. Court date 01/29/2025 at 15:00. Bail $250,000. Released on 01/29/2025.

CATHRINE COX, 42, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/30/2025 at 12:22 at GREENWAY CREEK by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: Possession of unlawful paraphernalia, being under the influence of controlled substance, possession of controlled substance. Court date 03/18/2025 at 13:00. Bail $5,000. Released on 01/30/2025.

RANDALL WILLIAM DAY, 42, of BIG SPRINGS, CA, arrested on 01/29/2025 at 09:00 at SISKIYOU COURT by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Driving on suspended license (5 counts), vehicle theft, theft with priors, possession of controlled substance (3 counts), possession of unlawful paraphernalia. Court date 02/25/2025 at 08:30. Total bail $70,000. Released on 01/29/2025.

ROMAN SOTTER DOBRATZ, 53, of HAPPY CAMP, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 21:28 at MAIN / 4-H WAY by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: DUI alcohol, DUI alcohol/0.08 percent. Court date 04/01/2025 at 13:00. Released on 02/01/2025.

DONAVAN VANCE ENDRES, 24, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 01:45 at MIDDLE/ EVERGREEN by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: DUI alcohol, DUI alcohol/0.08 percent. Released on 01/27/2025 on promise to appear at court on 04/01/2025 at 13:00.

GLADA MUZETTE FINK, 39, of SAN FRANCISCO, CA, arrested on 01/30/2025 at 12:40 at YREKA MCDONALDS by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Petty theft. Court date 03/18/2025. Bail $5,000. Released on 01/30/2025.

TIMOTHY MICHAEL FLANAGAN, 68, of MTSHASTA, CA, arrested on 01/30/2025 at 15:45 at 407 PINE STREET by Mt Shasta Police Dept. Charge: Drug intoxication. Released on 01/31/2025.

COLTON EUGENE FLETCHERZANNOTTO, 24, of MONTAGUE, CA, arrested on 01/28/2025 at 12:40 at 200 E KING STREET by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Inflicting corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant, battery with serious bodily injury. Court date 01/31/2025 at 08:15. Total bail $50,000. Released on 01/31/2025.

COLTON EUGENE FLETCHERZANNOTTO, 24, of MONTAGUE, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 15:45 at LES SCHWAB by Probation Dept. Charges: Inflicting corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant, battery with serious bodily injury. Court date 02/13/2025 at 08:30. Remanded into custody.

TRAVIS CRAIG FONSECA, 32, of MONTAGUE, CA, arrested on 02/03/2025 at 23:19 at MONTAGUE ROAD/ N. MAIN ST by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: DUI alcohol, DUI alcohol/0.08 percent. Court date 04/15/2025. Released on 02/03/2025.

JOSE LUIS GONZALEZ JR, 70, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 23:02 at OLD JAIL PARKING LOT by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Drug intoxication, possession of controlled substance, taking vehicle without owner’s consent. Court date 01/28/2025 at 13:00. Released on 01/28/2025.

STEVEN MARK GROPPI, 69, of WEED, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 16:55 at LAKE SHASTINA by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Possession of controlled substance. Court date 03/18/2025 at 13:00. Bail $5,000. Released on 01/31/2025.

WILLIE HENRY HAYES, 60, of MONTAGUE, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 19:57 at 14TH ST/ SCOBIE by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Possession of controlled substance, possession of unlawful paraphernalia. Released on 01/27/2025 on promise to appear at court on 03/11/2025.

CHRISTIAN LEE HILL, 34, of VANCOUVER, WA, arrested on 01/28/2025 at 17:29 at JACKSON COUNTY JAIL by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Felony bench warrant for failure to appear. Court date 02/18/2025 at 13:30. Bail set at $20,000.

ROBERT KEITH HOY, 60, of DUNSMUIR, CA, arrested on 01/29/2025 at 14:41 at DUNSMUIR by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Felony criminal threats. Court date 03/05/2025 at 08:30. Bail $20,000. Released on 01/31/2025.

ARRIANNA NOEL JACKSON, 27, of FORT JONES, CA, arrested on 01/30/2025 at 13:45 at LOWER GREENHORN PARK by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Failure to appear after written promise (2 counts). Court date 02/25/2025 at 13:00. Total bail $12,000. Released on 01/30/2025.

JERICHO LEE JOHNSON, 45, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/29/2025 at 14:16 at JAIL SALLY PORT by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: False imprisonment with violence.

JOANNE MARIE JOHNSON, 66, of MONTAGUE, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 20:20 at SCOBIE @ 14TH ST MONTAGUE by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Drug possession with priors, driving while addicted, possession of unlawful paraphernalia, failure to appear after written promise. Total bail $21,000. Released on 01/28/2025.

BRANDEN CHESTER THEODORE KELUCHIE, 27, of FORT JONES, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 10:16 at SAWYERS BAR by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Failure to appear (5 counts). Court date 02/04/2025 at 13:00. Total bail $25,000. Released on 01/31/2025.

KOLE WILLIAM KUROWSKI, 22, of CA, arrested on 02/01/2025 at 02:14 at SB ON I5 ON RAMP @ N. YREKA by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: DUI alcohol, DUI alcohol/0.08 percent. Court date 04/01/2025 at 13:00. Released on 02/01/2025.

JAMES OLIVER LISKEY, 37, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 02/01/2025 at 16:34 at YREKA / NOT CASINO by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: Petty theft, evading peace officer, driving on suspended license for DUI. Court date 03/11/2025 at 13:00. Released on 02/01/2025.

ANTHONY JOSEPH LOREDO, 19, of SAN JUAN BATSTA, CA, arrested on 01/28/2025 at 16:53 at 431 KNAPP ST by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Felony evading peace officer, reckless driving. Court date 01/31/2025 at 15:00. Bail $20,000. Released on 01/30/2025.

ZACHARY JAMES GRANT MARKS, 26, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 02/01/2025 at 11:24 at PATRIOT by Yreka Police Dept. Charge: Failure to appear after written promise. Court date 03/06/2025 at 13:00. Bail $5,000. Released on 02/01/2025.

CHRISTOPHER RYHAN MARTINEZ, 41, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 09:03 at N FAIRCHILD / W MINER by Yreka Police Dept. Charge: Driving on suspended/revoked license. Court date 03/18/2025 at 13:00. Released on 01/31/2025.

TIMOTHY STEVEN MCKAY, 46, of CARRICK, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 16:55 at 20506 IG SPRINGS RD, SHASTINA by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Possession of controlled substance. Court date 03/18/2025 at 15:00. Released on 01/31/2025.

KRISTOPHER ALLEN MYERS, 43, of MCCLOUD, CA, arrested on 01/30/2025 at 11:30 at 110 WATER ST #6 MCCLOUD by Probation Dept. Charges: Felony probation violation, possession of tear gas weapon. Court date 02/03/2025 at 15:00. Released on 01/30/2025.

ROBERT RAINBOW NELSON, 53, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 07:53 at LAUNDRY SHUTE by Yreka Police Dept. Charge: Trespassing. Court date 03/11/2025 at 13:00. Released on 01/31/2025.

ROBERT RAINBOW NELSON, 53, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 02/02/2025 at 22:41 at SPEEDWAY EXPRESS by Yreka Police Dept. Charge: Obstructing business by trespassing. Court date 02/05/2025 at 15:00.

BOB AUSTIN NYLUND, 48, of WEED, CA, arrested on 02/01/2025 at 11:41 at 380 SISKIYOU WAY #31 by Weed Police Dept. Charges: Felony bench warrant (2 counts), failure to appear (4 counts). Court date 02/04/2025 at 15:00. No bail on felony warrants.

ADAM MICHAEL OCHOA, 45, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 02/01/2025 at 05:57 at S. OREGON @ PAYNE LN by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: Possession of unlawful paraphernalia, failure to appear after written promise (2 counts). Court date 03/18/2025 at 13:00. Total bail $2,000.

BARBARA ANN PALMER, 42, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/29/2025 at 13:02 at GOODWILL by Yreka Police Dept. Charge: Drug intoxication. Court date 03/18/2025 at 13:00. Released on 01/29/2025.

JOHNATHON EUGENE PERRY, 46, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 15:30 at JAIL LOBBY by Mt Shasta Police Dept. Charge: Assault with force, possible great bodily injury. Booked and released on case #24CF01428. Owes 43 days.

MANLANJI MANIKO PHEA, 33, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/28/2025 at 14:00 at JAIL LOBBY by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Failure to appear after written promise. Court date 02/25/2025 at 13:00. Bail $5,000. Released on 01/28/2025.

AMY KATHLEEN PHILLIPS, 38, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 22:26 at MONTAGUE AIRPORT RD by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: DUI alcohol, DUI alcohol/0.08 percent. Court date 04/01/2025 at 13:00. Released on 02/01/2025.

ERIN DALE RABEDEW, 58, of SHASTA LAKE, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 12:25 at GRENADA by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charges: Driving on suspended license for DUI, driving without required ignition interlock device. Court date 03/18/2025 at 13:00. Total bail $5,000. Released on 01/31/2025.

JONATHAN ROSE, 72, of GREENVILLE, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 08:20 at 1-5 by unknown agency. Charge: DUI drugs. Court date 04/08/2025 at 13:00. Released on 02/01/2025.

TYLER RAY SHEETS, 21, of MT SHASTA, CA, arrested on 01/31/2025 at 19:00 at 305 N MT SHASTA BLVD by Mt Shasta Police Dept. Charge: Felony possession of obscene matter depicting minor. Court date 02/04/2025 at 15:00. Bail $20,000. Released on 02/01/2025.

RICHARD RYAN SUMMERS, 22, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 23:33 at 915 W. MINER ST by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: Drug intoxication, driving on suspended license for DUI, driving without ignition interlock device, no proof of insurance, failure to appear. Total bail $10,000. Released on 01/28/2025.

GINGER MICHELLE UNRUH, 48, of BEIBER, CA, arrested on 01/28/2025 at 16:00 at JACKSON CO JAIL SALLYPORT by Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office. Charge: Felony probation violation. Court date 01/30/2025 at 15:00. Bail $20,000.

JUSTIN WADE VANDEHEI, 49, of NORCO, CA, arrested on 01/28/2025 at 17:40 at SCSO TRANSPORT by Siskiyou County Probation Dept. Charge: Felony probation violation. Court date 01/31/2025 at 15:00. Bail $20,000. Released on 01/29/2025.

JESSEE WAYNE WAGNON, 34, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 22:15 at 777 CASINO WAY by unknown agency. Charges: Possession of controlled substance, felony PRCS violation, possession of paraphernalia (2 counts), driving on suspended license for DUI. Court date 01/30/2025 at 15:00. Total bail $3,000. Released on 01/30/2025.

ALYSE LOUISE WHITING, 34, of YREKA, CA, arrested on 01/27/2025 at 21:40 at YREKA JUNCTION by Yreka Police Dept. Charges: Felony failure to appear (2 counts), failure to appear (3 counts). Court date 02/18/2025 at 08:30. Total bail $45,000.

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