Community Event, Siskiyou, South County

McCloud Garden Club

McCloud has many community service organizations in its community.  

 One, the McCloud Garden Club, established in 1979 and its mission is to provide leadership in education, flora and fauna resources, and networking opportunities for its members and to promote the love of gardening, floral design, landscape design, civic and environmental responsibility. 

 With the club’s flower as the Shasta Daisy and the club’s bird as the hummingbird,  the McCloud Garden Club currently has 50 members that help support the community in numerous ways.

The members meet every month on the second Wednesday, usually at 1:00 pm. The meetings are
held at the McCloud Community Presbyterian Church. Occasionally the meetings are combined with
an activity and are held at other locations. They also have fairly regular informational guest speakers.

The Garden Club participates in the following annual  activities:

Blue Star Memorial: Landscaping and maintenance of the Blue Star Memorial on Hwy 89, and
responsibility for the flag at the memorial. 

Penny Pines:  Collects small amounts of money from the members at each meeting and the funds go towards purchasing “plantations” (tree seedlings). These trees are planted by the U.S. Forest Service in themShasta-Trinity National Forest; (reseeding burned forests or other damaged areas.) 

Christmas Swags: Each year the members gather forest greens and pine cones to assemble swags with red bows that they hand around the community at all the businesses, including the churches. This is done at the beginning of December. Approximately 80 swags are

Daffodils: The club makes donations to Mercy Mt. Shasta Hospice in honor of a family member and then receives daffodils in return, that are planted around the McCloud community. 

Cemetery Beautification: Each year, the members assist with the annual cemetery clean-up by providing cookies for the volunteer workers. They also assist with the clean-up of pine needles and weeds. 

Scholarships: The club makes scholarships available to McCloud seniors that are graduating
from area high schools. 

Tray Favors: At the November meeting, the members make tray favors for area care centers and for the McCloud senior food baskets delivered during the Christmas holiday. 

Fundraisers: The current fundraising activities include assembling and decorating Christmas swags and selling them over Thanksgiving weekend. (this is different from the 80 community swags that are donated to all the businesses).

During the annual Mushroom Festival, the members have a booth and sell plants and hand-painted flower pots. 

For more information or to join the McCloud Garden Club, contact Linda Allison at (619) 386-2196.

Avery Theatre CDF&W CHSRA Copco Dunsmuir Dunsmuir Elementary Dunsmuir Wildcats Easter Egg Hunt Etna EtnaCa FERC Forest Service Irongate Iron Gate Junior High Rodeo KCOC klamath Klamath Dams Klamath National Forest klamath river Klamath River Dams KNF KRRC Main Street Homestead McCloud Montague Mount Shasta Mt Shasta obituary Rodeo Salmon Scott River Scott Valley Scott Valley Agriculture Water Alliance Siskiyou Siskiyou Art Museum Siskiyou County Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors Siskiyou District Attorney Office Siskiyou Golden Fair The Well USDA KNF weedca YPD Yreka

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