Scott Valley

Concerning Claims that the Scott is Doing Its Share and More to Save the Coho

Felice Pace
Klamath, CA

Concerning claims that the Scott is doing its share and more to save the Coho, below find DFW’s response which debunks that claim. Please publish this information. The letter containing the quote is attached. 

From: Cal DFW to SWRCB May 3, 2021

Since 1978, the Chinook Salmon run in the Scott River has ranged from 14,477 fish

(1995) to 467 fish (2004) and has averaged 4,977 fish (Figure 4). Chinook Salmon

escapement to the Scott River from 2015 to 2020 averaged 1,738 fish, a 65%

reduction from the historical average (4,977). Average escapement for the

Klamath Basin from 2015-2020 is also down from the historical average, by 43%

(CDFW 2021). 

The letter from DFW to SWRCB is attached. “It is concerning that the Scott River Chinook population is decreasing at a faster rate than the Klamath Basin as a whole.” (emphasis added)

Eileen Sobeck, Executive Director State Water Resources Control Board May 3, 2021
Page 3

and 3, the reduction in brood year 1 indicates how rapidly the population can change when conditions are poor.

Monitoring of the Chinook Salmon runs in the Scott River between 1978-2020 (Enclosure 2) depicts a range from 14,477 fish (1995) to 467 fish (2004) and has averaged 4,977 fish per year. The Chinook Salmon escapement to the Scott River from 2015 to 2020 has averaged 1,738 fish, representing a reduction from the historical average of 65%. The recent 6-year average escapement for the Klamath Basin is also down from the historical average, although the Klamath Basin reduction for this same period is 43% (CDFW 2021). The Scott River Chinook Salmon population is decreasing at a faster rate than the Klamath Basin as a whole.

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