Community Event, Siskiyou

Siskiyou Nights and Carnival Lights selected for the 2023 Siskiyou Golden Fair Theme


Siskiyou Nights and Carnival Lights selected for 2023 Siskiyou Golden Fair Theme

YREKA – The 10th DAA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the 2023 Siskiyou Golden Fair Theme will be Siskiyou Nights and Carnival Lights. The winning entry was submitted by Molly Bagley of Yreka. The 2023 theme will become a part of history and join a long list of themes that have played a part in competitive exhibits, advertising and the “Paint the Fair” contest that will determine the art for the fair poster. “Fair planning always starts with the theme contest and the board and staff are always excited to review and pick the new theme each year”, according to CEO Cliff Munson “It sets the whole fair in motion.”

For those interested in the “Paint the Fair” contest, It will begin with an email entry to the fair office at [email protected] on February 1st and run until March 15 when the original artwork must be turned into the fair office for judging. The winner of the contest receives $500.00 for their artwork and it becomes the property of the 10th DAA. 

Take a minute and create a part of history and send in an entry for the Paint the Fair contest to  [email protected]

For more information, contact the fair office at 842-2767. The 2023 Siskiyou Golden Fair will run August 9-13, 2023 in Yreka.

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