LEGAL, Siskiyou

Is It Time To Prosecute The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and/or Licensee KRRC?

Iron Gate Dam site: August 28th, 2024 photo credit – Jay Martin, Siskiyou News

The agency overreach by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (‘KRRC’) by way of giving license to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation in a manner that arguably allowed the violation of the Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of Siskiyou County California, via the illegal takings of private property and the devaluing of private property without proper compensation or the utilization of the proper process of Eminent Domain, seems to be a clear offense under U.S.C. Title 18, Section Section 242, as we read below. 

United States Code:

  • Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

  • For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.

TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Many people ‘serve’. It’s those who dared to go outside their personal comfort zone, above and beyond the call of duty in serving others, they are the ones that find comfort in their last breaths of this life.  I pray you find that comfort. ~ William


  1. Kristi Lawrence

    Really not sure how this could or would happen. Seems like the government is trying to void our constitution at every turn. Possibly God and Trump is the answer.

  2. Donna Cervantes

    How can we beat the enemy…

    We have God on our side to defend us.

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