Short Stories, Siskiyou

New Hummer Test Track? Iron Gate Sediment Beds Attract Off Road Enthusiasts 

Lately, the soft sediment beds at Iron Gate lake-bottom looked more like an off-road recreation area than anything. The moonscape that Resource Environmental Solutions (‘RES’) claims as a ‘revegetation’ area looks more like the surface of the moon. 

Failed seeding, drought, 115-degree heat wave, no irrigation, poor alkali-clay soils, herbaceous insects (including a grasshopper infestation), mice, ground squirrels, rabbits, birds, deer, elk and livestock have all spent time crossing this moonscape to reach water at the Klamath River as a result of the failure by Klamath River Renewal Corporation and RES to provide the ‘alternative water sources’ in the summer of 2023 for all these critters, per the so-called ‘Plan’. 

Failed revegetation is identical on both sides of the Klamath River. Keep in mind, there are only livestock on one side of the River, the north side, Yet the south side looks the same.

The sediments have attracted dirt bikes, side-by-sides and 4x4s, all driving over the scant few plants that have managed to grow. Really doesn’t matter since the winter rains will quickly begin eroding these clay sediments, with or without planting.

Side by sides have been buzzing all around the sediments.

And now, a Hummer driver decided to try out the sediment beds:

Looks like fun until you get stuck. Or is getting stuck part of the fun? Sunday morning stuck at Jenny Creek.

Saturday night 4X4 fever must have kicked-in when the driver of this Hummer decided to buzz the Iron Gate sediment beds, with a final attempt to jump the ditch alongside Jenny Creek. 

Of course that was not the intent when helpful instruction was offered from roadside to get the Hummer out of the sediments and back onto Copco Road. 

The instructions being given by a good samaritan, were to proceed straight ahead toward the area being illuminated by flashlight. Instead the driver decided to try something else, and made a sharp left turn right into a ditch.

When the Highway Patrol arrived on scene around 9:30 PM Saturday night to help, they offered some advice to the driver, but to no avail, the Hummer was buried in the clay sediments. They offered to take the driver into town to spend the night, but the driver declined, instead electing to spend the night in the Hummer. 

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