10 Jul 1934 – 26 Jul 2024
It is with profound sadness that the family of Harvey Hagedorn shares the news of Harvey’s passing during the early morning hours of Friday, July 26, 2024. Harvey was just 16 days into his 90th year of a sometimes challenging, yet extraordinary life. Harvey found meaning and satisfaction in living in line with his true self, contributing positively to the lives of those around him. He was dedicated to his family and friends, and believed that instilling the values of hard work and integrity was the foundation to a good life. When someone called Harvey a cowboy, you can bet your last dollar that he was the “real deal!” something that was a true inspiration to the next generation. Harvey was always available to offer life advice to “youngsters”, and modeled this advice by “walking the walk.”
Harvey was born to Herman and Effie (McSwain) Hagedorn on July 10, 1934 in Yreka. He started life on the family ranch in the very rural Montague/Shasta Valley community. Harvey often shared stories around the dinner table of his childhood camping and hunting with his brothers and grandpa at Trout Creek, among other fun times they had. Working and chores started at a very young age. Even while attending Willow Creek Elementary School, Harvey worked before and after school milking cows for Lela Meek. As an adult he helped and cared for Lela for many years, until she passed away. For several years he worked for the Fosters on the Bogus Creek Ranch, becoming not just friends, but a part of their wonderful family. Harvey attended Yreka High School, playing on the YHS Miner football squad, and graduated in 1952. After graduation he attended Cal Poly for a couple of years, and then enlisted, along with his life-long friend Harold Foster, in the U.S. Navy. After an honorable discharge, Harvey remained in San Diego for a few years with his young family, delivering bottled Water for Sparkletts before the Shasta Valley called him home!
During his stint in the military, Harvey met and became fast friends with Rich Lamastus who traveled from Los Angeles to Montague each year to hunt with the bunch at “buck camp” (Harvey’s house). That bunch of dedicated, sharp shootn’, story tellin’ “characters” enjoyed their time together way too much!! Oh the stories they told of the bucks that got away!
Harvey raised and was very proud of his herd of Santa Gertrudis cattle, which he ranged for many years in the Siskiyou Mountains/Beaver Creek area. Also, his teams of draft horses brought him so much joy! They weren’t just for parades either. Back in the day, you could see he and Bum feeding cows using a team and wagon. Driving his team of Haflingers using a covered wagon loaned to him by Jim and Kathy Rice, during a couple of bona fide Wagon Train events, was a highlight in his life! He also raised and owned several pretty darn dandy horses, sheep, and a multitude of other animals. He just couldn’t find it in his heart to say no if someone said they had a “such and such” dog, swine, goats, or chickens that needed a home. While working the ranch, he also worked in the logging industry with his brother Dick. Not much sleep time in those days!! After giving up logging, his second job became that of Siskiyou County Livestock Brand Inspector for the State of California, retiring in 1999. During this time, he could be found at the Siskiyou Stockyards every Wednesday, at numerous ranches, or during late-night trips to identify stray cattle on roadways. Harvey had a keen eye for reading brands on cattle and prided himself in seeing a brand without having to shave the brand site. He also prided himself in lending a hand during brand inspection and not just sitting on the fence!! His friend Roy Smith summed it up within the poem he wrote for Harvey which included: “Whenever we shipped calves, Harvey would be there. You knew he’d be on time, and he always would be fair.” “He’d ask you how you were, if you’d been hunting any bucks. He’d help you fix the fence, he’d help you load the trucks.”
Harvey loved his community and was dedicated to its well-being. Through all of his hard work, Harvey also found time to be a scout leader to a troop in San Diego, help at the Montague Jr. Rodeo and the Jefferson Stampede, be an active and dedicated member of the Siskiyou County Sheriff Posse Search and Rescue (being honored with Life Member status before he stepped down), help during the Portuguese Picnic in Hawkinsville, sit on the Willow Creek School Board two separate times totaling over 25 years, and be an active Yreka Elks Lodge Member/Trustee for 32 years.
Harvey’s greatest joy was the time he spent with his family, his friends and neighbors! Harvey loved nothing more than to attend the countless family get-togethers, potluck gatherings, and the many local BBQ/Auction fund raisers, silently tipping his hat to keep the bid going in support of the fundraising endeavors. Everyone found joy in trying to outbid him when he got his sights set on a homemade berry pie. He didn’t lose that bid very often!
Harvey leaves behind his Life Partner of 33 years, Rebecca “RB” Phillipe; his daughter Ledadeane Hagedorn; his niece (more like a daughter) Claudya “Bum” Akkerman (Roger); his brother Gerald “Short” Hagedorn (Tat); his step-daughter Amber Verry (Jason), his step-son Justin Roston (Angela); his grandkids Bella, Jacob, and Kyra; his nephew who he raised Steve Hagedorn (Nancy); and a whole slew of nieces, nephews and cousins that meant the world to him!! Brett, Marshall, John, Lori, Annie “Tuter”, Gary, Kathy, Julie, Andy, Mike, Teri, Tom Donald “Mush”, Dorothy, Shirley, Marty, and all of their families. He is predeceased by his parents; his brothers Marshall Hagedorn, Virgil “Jim” Hagedorn, and Claude “Dick” Hagedorn, and his nephew who he raised Glenn Hagedorn.
Harvey’s ashes will be buried in the family plot at Evergreen Cemetery. A Military Honors Ceremony will be held at his graveside on Saturday, August 31, 2024 at 11:00 AM. A Celebration of his life will follow, including Elks Memorial Ceremony, at the Yreka Elks Lodge. The family will provide BBQ tri-tip and bread. If you’d like, please bring a favorite side dish or dessert to share. (Potluck was a favorite for Harvey – enjoying all the casseroles, salads and desserts!!) Also, please bring your favorite memory or story to share! In lieu of flowers, donations to a favorite charity, and/or a bid at the next big fundraiser in Harvey’s memory, would be appreciated.
source: Girdner Funeral Chapel
Memorial Graveside Service
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Evergreen Cemetery
853 Evergreen Lane
Yreka, CA 96097
Celebration Of Life
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Yreka Elks Lodge
332 W. Miner Street
Yreka, CA 96097