Featured News, Siskiyou

To Those Who Want to Continue “Keep Doing What You Have Always Done”

But First

10.22.2023 WHFB Article Response
NW KANSAS Rancher,  business owner, Founder of the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association, MCOOL Chairman for R-CALF USA and I serve on  the Kansas Rural Water Association Board of Directors. 

To those who want to continue to see the lands burn and the environmentalist/politicians/forestry and other government bureaucracy kick cattle, sheep and goat ranchers off the land “keep doing what you have always done”.   

Why keep fighting against those of us who want to stop the TAX nightmare paid by citizens like myself to the tune of over 100 million dollars a year in cost to “manage wild horses” and paid some by the ranchers that produce income.  Our goal is to see grazing increase in conflicting areas used by ranchers by removing the horses (if that is what they want) where they are not wanted, stop the fight, and put the horses in critical wilderness areas (this acreage CWA’s is staggering and it is not all being grazed by livestock) that are not being utilized (we have lost over 30ml head of cattle and about 750,000 cattle producers since 1973.  Is that your solution?  That is not my solution but you evidently don’t understand the fight and why we are working for a positive solution and long term change.  

You need to listen, read and then if you have control, let’s talk about it and “what you have personally done to fix it”?   The WHFB is the only real solution for the horses, wilderness, timber companies, ranchers, and human lives if you live in these areas that have seen and will see more fires if you do nothing but complain and write negativity on the internet.   

I am a cattle rancher with over 200 hd of cattle, I serve on the WHFB as an advisor for the cattle producers and I have chosen to push this solution because we have all witnessed the devastation from removing all the livestock, no logging, and no management of the vegetation and the taxpayer nightmare.  To not listen and learn is a very costly mistake.  I have been to William’s ranch and surveyed the local grazing from Copco Lake to Iron Gate Dam and below… “it is not over-grazed by the local horses”! In this region I have personally witnessed the damage by the fires and issues of excessive fire fuel first hand.  I have now seen the benefit of the horses (grazing is not the problem 99% of the time).  Also, there are not 300 horses in this area.  Around 150 hd and they run in small bands (6-30 hd) scattered all over.  WHFB has livestock industry players like myself,  professors and leading scientist helping as well as now students now learning of options for real solutions.  

I will close by saying that people posting negativity do so due to ignorance from a lack of information or the ability to comprehend the information.  We are all volunteers and I have not witnessed financial corruption as some have been misled on.  Donations we have and do get but that is their free choice.   It is a plan that has merit and I am supporting stopping the taxpayer nightmare as in the past.  I have founded a state cattlemen’s association in Kansas and serve on a national cattle organization, I have been to D.C. numerous times on livestock issues, legislative meetings, hearings and committee meetings for livestock marketing issues that are the wealth creators and we pay the tax.  So, it is not my first rodeo.  William Simpson has always been a straight shooter and honest on his mission to all of us.  Give him a call and listen! 

Mike Schultz, 

NW KANSAS Rancher,  business owner, Founder of the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association, MCOOL Chairman for R-CALF USA and I serve on  the Kansas Rural Water Association Board of Directors. 10.22

The Post That Crashed and Burned !!

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