The Mt. Shasta Rotary Club announces the 35th Blackberry Music Festival to be held at Shastice Park in Mt. Shasta on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, September 3rd.
Shastice Park has proven to have plenty of room to spread out and enjoy a day of community family fun. Beginning at noon and lasting until 6:00 p.m., featured musicians include Tom Scott & Friends, Jennifer Malone and Sound Advice. There is no admission fee to the event, thanks to business sponsors and supporters. On-site sales of adult beverages, blackberry pie and event T-shirts are provided by Rotary; over 25 registered food and craft vendors present other options for sale to attendees. All sales will contribute in some way to the community projects and partners of the Mt. Shasta Rotary club.
Mt. Shasta Rotary’s past, present and future projects include donations to family nutrition, financial literacy, recreation programs, public trails, Peace Grove at Shastice Park, college scholarships, youth exchange program and support for the high school Interact Club. Event profits also help the Rotary Club manage an on-going community international water and health program in Africa in partnership with Save the Rain, other Rotary clubs, and Rotary International. Learn more about community benefits by visiting
“A traditional feature that has made the festival such a popular Labor Day Weekend family event will continue,” says event co-chair, Lorinda Forrest-Meyer. “We love to provide free children’s games to help the young people in your life enjoy the festival as much as you (and we) do!” Sack races and water balloon toss games are planned. This year, North Sate Parent magazine will offer FREE hands-on art activities for ages 2 and up in the children’s games area of the park.
“Mt. Shasta Rotary is excited to again offer the Blackberry Music Festival,” announced Merle Anderson, co-chair and emcee for the event. “The festival is a long-standing Labor Day Weekend tradition in Mt. Shasta, drawing local families and friends together with area visitors to celebrate the end of summer with an afternoon of music and picnic fun.”
Visit the event website at for current detailed information about sponsors, music schedule, pie orders and more. Additionally, follow Rotary on social media as @MtShastaRotary. For other information, contact Lorinda Forest Meyer via email at [email protected]

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