Community Event, Siskiyou

The Yreka Host Lions Club Food Drive

Event runs 2/1/23 through 2/28/23

February 2023 theme’s is Hunger

Yreka Host Lions is part of the Lions Multiple District 4 (All the Lions of California). During the lions year (June 2022 to July 2023) lions clubs across the state participate in MD4 Cares projects in selected mor

February 2023 theme’s is Hunger.

To join this massive lions effort to combat hunger we partner with the following;

Yreka Food Bank, 40+ years of service

Covers all of Siskiyou County

Denise Patterson, 1-530-643-2507

321 North Gold Street, Rm 1, Yreka, CA, 96097

Siskiyou Community Food Bank

10 years of service

Covers all of Siskivou Count

Laura Leach, 1-530-340-6382

1601 S. Oregon Street, St B, Yreka, CA, 96097

Siskiyou Food Assistance

22 years of service

Covers South County (Big Springs to Gazelle and all the way down Castella)

Denise Spayd, 1-530-408-6115

780 S. Davis Ave, Weed, CA, 96094

To do a community food drive across our county we ask anyone who wants to donate food please do so to one of the above 3 organizations via the contact information provided.

What we ask is when making your donation please tell your selected organization, “It is for the Yreka Lions Club February food drive”.

Each organization will track how much is donated via this food drive to then report back to us. Donations can be of food and/or money.

Event runs 2/1/23 through 2/28/23

Please contact Lion JonMichael at 1-530-598-2178 if you have questions.

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