The devastating grass and brush fueled wildfires in Los Angeles we are all witnessing may be just a glimpse of the upcoming summer in the western United States, unless we start doing something new and cost-effective. Funding and doing more of what hasn’t worked is a guarantee for failure.
And as horrific as the LA fires are, the damages and costs will continue well after the fires are suppressed. UCLA’s new study of toxic wildfire smoke showed that 5,000 Californians each year die prematurely from toxins in wildfire smoke. Over the ten year period of the UCLA Study, 55,000 Californians died prematurely, with resulting economic damages estimated at $450-Billion!
Post wildfire erosion is also guaranteed, which can account for additional severe economic losses and adverse impacts on highways, bridges, homes, watersheds and fisheries.
Our all volunteer 501-c-3 nonprofit organization, WILD HORSE FIRE BRIGADE has a remarkable board of directors and advisors, providing a blend of experienced and credentialed professionals that bring specialty knowledge to the table in addressing a very complex issue around natural resource management and wildfire prevention.
Our validated wildfire-grazing research, horse rescue & rewilding and educational programs via media and the world’s first wilderness-based wild horse field study course with California State University-Sacramento are bringing the message about the value of wild horses to the world!
Instead of what most wild horse Orgs do, preaching to the choir via posting on wild horse social media pages, through a lot of hard work, we are garnering the attention of a whole new audience of Americans, who need to know what’s happening with natural resources and American wild horses.
Recently, the award-winning documentary HORSE of NATURE was ‘Officially Selected’ by AmDoc Film Festival in Palm Springs, CA. This film festival is an Oscar qualifying event!

Please Donate using our secure PayPal account HERE:
Alternatively, you may send a check to: Wild Horse Fire Brigade – P.O. Box 202 – Yreka, CA 96097
Wild Horse Fire Brigade is a California registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation. Contributions to WHFB are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. WHFBs tax identification number is 26-4567698
Our team is motivated by our empirical experience, unique understanding and deep appreciation of the lives of wild horses, and how genuinely important they are to the very survival of the human race as wildfires threaten to incinerate the western states as they grow worse year over year.
That ‘unique understanding‘ is only attainable and begins by living-among a herd of naturally-living free-roaming wild horses in their wilderness habitat. That knowledge cannot be gained any other way, as Dr. Jane Goodall proved by living-among the Apes in Gombe Africa.
As with human partnerships, you really learn a lot about someone by living with them, as opposed to just watching them or occasionally chatting at lunch/break room at the office. The same goes for wild horses. Living with them is eye-opening!
Various state and federal wildlife agencies have grossly mismanaged our critically important native herbivore populations (deer, elk and wild horses). Now, with the huge declines in all those critters that were previously eating grass and brush, that excessive grass and brush has become the fuel for the deadly and super-costly wildfires that American citizens are suffering. Sixty-six percent (66%) of all wildfires are fueled by grass & brush according to the latest published studies, according to the New York Times.

During the deadly wind-driven 38,000 acre Klamathon Fire, I studied the behavioral ecology of our herd of wild horses before, during, and after that wildfire. No other researcher or Org. can make that claim, which is documented and validated by Oregon Department of Forestry District Ranger, Dave Larson, as well as the media.

Wild horses are understudied ecosystem engineers and a ‘keystone species’ in North America where they all evolved.
As far as ‘nativeness’, wild horses are in fact, according to science, the most native of all large-bodied herbivores living in North America today, where they evolved. Bison, deer and elk all evolved off the North American continent in Asia, and only arrived into North America over Beringia (land bridge between Alaska and Siberia) about 200,000 years ago according to radiocarbon dating of fossils in N. America.
The modern horse has fossils in North America dating back to approximately 1.8-million years, which includes American horse fossils dated at about 5,000-years. These more recent horse fossils prove that some wild horses survived the Ice Age of 12,000 years ago, contrary to the now debunked assertions that they went extinct during the Ice Age.
Given the critical value they provide to naturally operating wilderness ecosystems, excluding them from landscapes that are appropriate ecological habitats for wild horses is reckless and damaging to such landscapes.
Interfering with their natural essential life-cycles using sterilization, castration or confinement away from naturally-operating ecosystems is undermining the evolutionary-level sustainable conservation of wild horses.
There is only one genuine cost-effective solution to save the remaining wild horses (BLM est. pop. 40,000 BLM managed horses)
Relocating wild horses away from areas of economic conflict, where horses are targeted for brutal roundups, and with the additional potential for reckless human interventions, such as costly sterilization (genocide via PZP & GonaCon) and subsequent roundups, is key. And rewilding them using our Nature-Based plan into appropriate vacant wild lands under existing Law, allows wild horses to continue to live natually ‘Wild & Free’ and unmolested by ignorant humans suffering from their own hubris and greed. And said ‘rewilding’ of the horses allows them to cost-effectively engage and manage the threat from prodigious grass and brush wildfire fuels in appropriate landscapes.
Furthermore, any anthropogenic (human) actions that change the natural ecology and herd dynamics of wild horses is harmful to the sustainable conservation of wild horses. As such, anyoneor any organization or nonprofit engaged in ending the natural life-cycles of wild horses is engaged in genocide of this important North American species.
There are no honest excuses for ending the natural and genetically essential life-cycles of wild horses using chemical sterilants such as ‘PZP’ or ‘GonaCon’, none. It’s a fake solution being monetized to the benefit of the Bureau of Land Management and the nonprofit Orgs being incentivized to shoot horses with rifles loaded with these EPA registered pesticide chemicals.
Any person, organization or nonprofit who engages into or supports the use of chemical sterilization of wild horses is doing harm, and that is a simple undeniable fact based upon published, settled science. It’s is ‘genocide’.
WILD HORSE FIRE BRIGADE stands steadfastly against anyone or organization who promotes and/or uses Genocide via chemical sterilization on American wild horses. It’s a human abomination and insult to Nature and our few remaining wild equines. And there no honest excuses for such draconian actions.
Wild Horse Fire Brigade has a Proven Nature-Based model for managing American wild horses in a manner that allows them to continue to live naturally, wild & free, as intended by the preamble of the 1971 Act to protect wild horses & burros.
Now The Good News!
Award-winning journalist Brad Jones from the EPOCH TIMES (5th largest newspaper in America) recently covered our wild horse research in what has been called the ‘best article on wild horses ever’ by advocates!

Please Donate using our secure PayPal account HERE:
Alternatively, you may send a check to: Wild Horse Fire Brigade – P.O. Box 202 – Yreka, CA 96097
Wild Horse Fire Brigade is a California registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation. Contributions to WHFB are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. WHFBs tax identification number is 26-4567698

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The unfortunate thing about Mr. Simpson’s claims is that there is much non-factual misinformation. If you have talked with Simpson he told you he’s certain of all this. Well, in fact he’s not. There is no chance, none of placing wild horses in the Palisades and Eaton areas of Los Angeles. Any claim that wild horses would benefit this situation are ‘PANTS ON FIRE’ lies. Federal government agencies have removed over 64,000 wild horses from public lands. These are sequestered in corrals and holding to benefit the cattle ranchers who back Mr. Simpson and his untenable ideas. The Bureau of Land Management Instruction Memo (IM 2022-035 of 21Apr22) does not contain a mechanism to move the sequestered animals into the management of the Wild Horse Fire Brigade. Mr. Simpson claims correctly that his plan deconflicts the desires of the wealthy cattle ranchers who use America’s public lands through the BLM grazing lease program. The problem is that the existence of the conflict in the first place is manufactured by a combination of bad government policies. The Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 gives western cattlemen the opportunity to obtain use of public lands at roughly 200 percent below the market cost. Additionally it permits the holder of a grazing lease to encumber the public lands with a private mortgage using the land as collateral. The pricing for the grazing lease is set at $1.35 per acre per month. With the costs of removing wild horses, warehousing them for a lifetime and administration of the various programs the Federal government operates this circus at a substantial loss. More important to the constituents of California is that the data generated by the US Bureau of Land Management shows that cattle are responsible for degrading the environmental conditions of the range. Today over 50 percent of western public lands fail to meet the Bureau’s rangeland standards. So, for those of you in Rio Linda, while the aspirations of the Wild Horse Fire Brigade are admirable, the facts do not line up with the advertising and the climb to success is unatainable.