
Political & Monetary Agenda’s Support Best Science Money Can Buy – You’ve Been Misled! 

Given the media’s worrisome control over the dissemination of information, accompanied by Government control of funding for many schools and grants for studies, honest and objective data has become more scant.  Why?  

Rule 1 in the game of Lords and Serfs, ‘He who has the gold makes the rules‘. Guess who the ‘Serfs’ are?  

(‘Serf’; a member of a servile feudal class bound to the land and subject to the will of its owner)

Funded studies designed for predetermined outcomes that support political and or monetary agendas instead of good science are now, sadly, standard fare. 

This evolving paradigm is the road to hell for Americans.

And now, on top of everything, we have to deal with the instant ‘spin’ by deviously-sinister A.I. systems that are documented by accredited scientists at major universities to be fully capable of intentionally deceiving humans, and instantly censoring and/or deleting sought-after web-based/archived data that conflicts with politically/monetarily driven narratives:




Unfortunately some people are slow learners, some are distracted, while others are biased by monetary incentives to ‘look the other way‘, even after the recent hard lessons with the Klamath Dam removal experience and the media/government controls over the false information that is widely disseminated. 

I guess that for some people, who are planning on retiring outside the counties and states where they serve as elected officials, they feel they can escape what has been and continues to happen, but that’s just foolishness, since it’s happening all over the west, including in California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho and Montana. The grass is not greener on the other side of that fence.

The Bureau of Land Management (‘BLM’) and the United States Forest Service (‘USFS’) have been knowingly lying to the American people and their elected officials about our now failing herds of genetically important wild horsesIf we trouble ourselves to connect the dots, that fact is quite evident.

Having a total population of just 59,000 of any species of wild animal, native or not, let alone one with unprecedented cultural-heritage in America, one with an 11-month gestation period for one offspring, is a sure path to genetic bottlenecking and ultimate extinction. Is that ‘management’ or extermination?

Make no mistake… wild horses are in many ways quite superior to domestic breeds in proven ways (I could bore you to no end with the published science and empirical experience on this point as well).

And the genetic erosion taking place right now via the reductions of populations, via ongoing roundups taking wild horse populations below 59k by the BLM and USFS. That move coupled-with sterilizing the remaining publicly-owned horses in said remaining populations will eliminate the ability-option for outbreeding our domestic horses back to wild horse stock and their genetic vigor to restore failing domestic horse genetic vigor that is suffering from extreme inbreeding over millennia.  We can and have traced the genetics of some of our own local herd back 500,000 years… in our Iberians that show *dun factor.

*Dun is a dilution of the base colour in combination with primitive markings (stripes on legs and one along the back). Dun is the original coat colour of all horses (“wild type”). Depending on the base colour of the horse, different colourings occur: Red Dun (chestnut), Yellow Dun (bay), Blue Dun (black).

Most domestic breeds of horses now suffer from genetically-based disease conditions that stem from inbreeding for desired characteristics. One well-known example of this phenomenon for non-horse readers is the hip dysplasia now common in German Shepard dogs that stems from in-breeding for ‘standard’ over the course of just 135-years. Now imagine what hundreds or thousands of years of inbreeding does in horses. Domestic horse owners know what I speak by way of the Veterinarian bills they pay. While wild horses live on-average 20-25-years in the harsh conditions of the mountain wilderness, healthy without any care, in conditions that would quickly kill most domestic horses. 

According to the BLM’s recent report (graph below)there are less than 59,000 wild horses left in all of America…. just 59,000!

According to the same people at the BLM, there are 1.5-million cattle and even more sheep on the same public-land grazing allotments. 

Yet the BLM and the USFS make the manifestly illegitimate claim that wild horses are over-grazing public lands.  The level of false information being released by these Government agencies is astounding, seemingly with little concern or any real push-back by our elected county & state officials, which is alarming to say the least, and is a symptom of what’s KILLING AMERICA!

We need TRUTH not Lies!

Graph below from the BLM website (May 2024 census):

We keep hearing some people trying to convince and misinform others that wild horses are over-grazing the public lands. But that statement is manifestly false in every respect. Why? 

Because the BLM’s own data shows there are 25-cows for each horse on the public lands they manage. So the people who make the claim that horses are the cause for overgrazing are either liars or ignorant of the data published by the BLM.

 The fraction of Horses to Cattle on public lands represents 0.0393  (59,000 / 1,500,000)

 So logically, what animals are actually overgrazing public lands? Certainly not the horses.

BLM data shows there are 1.5-million cows and millions of sheep grazing public lands. 

BLM data shows there are just 59,000 wild horses left.

Few people, including some ranchers don’t recall the reason for the Taylor Grazing Act, let alone why it was passed. It was passed in 1934 to reduce the devastation that was being caused by the over-grazing of cattle and sheep in the midwest. And by Congressional design, was implemented to stop the over-grazing by cattle and sheep that was causing the great Dust Bowl of the midwest. The peer-reviewed scientific report below is vital reading for our elected officials and bureaucrats

This study linked below is a mirror image report of what’s happening in America today, but goes unreported, obfuscated, and worse, misrepresentedby the BLM & USFS.

There is a genuine solution that negates the need for this genocide of American’s heritage wild horses. That proven solution and the supporting science are incorporated into the attached PDF summary of a management plan for wild horses called ‘Wild Horse Fire Brigade’ (See PDF)


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