City of Yreka Air Curtain Incinerator
You are hereby notified that the Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control District (District) has received an Authority To Construct Permit (Permit) application from the City of Yreka proposing to install and operate an air curtain incinerator (ACI) set at the City of Yreka Public Works Yard located at 856 N. Main St. The proposed project will be located within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of the Yreka High School and will result in emissions of diesel particulate matter, a toxic air contaminant.
California Health & Safety Code §42301.6 requires that prior to the District approving a Permit to construct and operate equipment that emits toxic air contaminants and is located within 1,000 feet of a school site, the District shall notify the parents or guardians of children enrolled in a school that is located within onequarter mile of the proposed new or modified source and to each address within a 1,000 foot radius of the source at least 30-days before taking final action on the Permit application.
The City of Yreka is proposing to operate a self-contained above ground ACI designed for high temperature and low particulate emission reduction of clean wood waste and vegetation, in compliance with the requirements of US EPA 40 CFR 60 FFFF §60.3059(b). The ACI blower is powered by an EPA Tier 4 rated Diesel Engine. The ACI is part of the City of Yreka’s vegetation management program that would cleanly burn grasses, woody material, and other vegetation associated with fuel reduction to decrease wildfire risk.
The District has reviewed the permit application and pertinent information for the proposed project and has made a preliminary determination that the project will comply with all applicable District, State, and Federal air quality-related regulations, including the health risks resulting from toxic air contaminant emissions. The District’s preliminary recommendation is to issue a Permit for this project.
There is a 30-day period for public comment to this proposal. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed issuance of this Permit must submit their comments in writing no later than September 9, 2024, to the following address:
Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control District
Attn: Eric Olson
525 South Foothill Drive
Yreka CA 96097
All comments received during this 30-day period will be reviewed and considered by the District before a final decision is made on this application. The District will include written responses to the comments in the permit file.
Those interested in getting more information may inspect copies of the District’s City of Yreka ACI file by viewing at the District offices at 525 South Foothill Drive, Yreka between the hours of 8AM to 12 Noon and 1PM to 5PM, Monday through Friday.
published: 08/12, 08/19, 08/26, 09/02 of 2024