The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus (ECV) is a fraternal organization dedicated to the study and preservation of the heritage of the American West, especially the history of the Mother Lode and gold mining regions of the area.
There are chapters in California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Outposts in other western states, including us in Wyoming. Members call themselves “Clampers.” The organization’s name is in Dog Latin, and has no known meaning; even the spelling is disputed, sometimes appearing as “Clampus,” “Clampsus,” or “Clampsis.” The motto of the Order, Credo Quia Absurdum, is generally interpreted as meaning “I believe it because it is absurd; “the proper Latin quotation Credo quia absurdum est, is from the Christian apologist Tertullian (c.160 – c.220 AD), who rejected rationalism and accepted a Gospel which addressed itself to the “non-rational levels of perception.”
E Clampus Vitus Humbug Chapter 73 plaquin' at one of Siskiyou's oldest cemeteries
The Next plaquin' is scheduled for November 18th at the Denny Bar building in Etna, CA. Dedication by E Clampus Vitus Humbug Chapter 73, Umpqua Joe 1859 of S. Oregon, and The Denny Bar.
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