Open Letter, Siskiyou

Open Letter: Dear Trump, restore balance and common sense to the Klamath Basin

Dear Trump Administration,

I am writing to urge your consideration of the National Environmental Policy Act’s Section 4331 as a powerful legal framework to restore balance and common sense to resource management in the Klamath Basin region. Our communities face a complex crisis where misguided environmental policies have created cascading problems across water management, agriculture, forestry, and wildlife conservation.

Section 4331’s mandate for “productive harmony” between environmental protection and human needs provides clear authority for executive action to address these interconnected challenges. The statute requires federal agencies to “create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony” while ensuring “high standards of living and a wide sharing of life’s amenities.” Current policies in our region have failed dramatically to meet these requirements.

The water management crisis exemplifies how single-focus environmental policies have strayed from NEPA’s vision. Instead of pursuing direct solutions like salmon hatchery enhancement and habitat improvement, agencies have implemented water restrictions that devastate agricultural communities while threatening the Pacific Flyway’s critical bird habitat. This approach fails to meet Section 4331’s requirement to “fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations.” Our region’s agricultural heritage, which has fed America for generations, is being sacrificed for experimental water management policies that ignore broader environmental consequences.

Simultaneously, our forests have become dangerous tinderboxes since spotted owl restrictions crippled the timber industry. The statute’s requirement to “attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment without degradation” has been ignored, resulting in overgrown forests that threaten both human communities and wildlife. Traditional forestry practices, developed over generations, created healthy forests while supporting robust local economies. The current hands-off approach has eliminated this balance, leading to dangerous fuel accumulation, increased disease vulnerability, and reduced habitat quality. When catastrophic fires sweep through these overgrown forests, they destroy everything – including spotted owl habitat, watershed health, and salmon spawning grounds.

Through executive action under § 4331, your administration could mandate comprehensive reform requiring agencies to demonstrate how their decisions achieve true balance across all environmental and economic factors. This would include:

Water Management Reform:

    • Prioritizing direct salmon enhancement approaches
    • Protecting agricultural production capacity
    • Maintaining critical bird habitat along the Pacific Flyway
    • Supporting tribal fishing rights through sustainable solutions

    Forest Management Reform:

      • Restoring active forest management practices
      • Reducing catastrophic fire risk
      • Improving wildlife habitat quality
      • Revitalizing timber-dependent communities

      The statute’s emphasis on avoiding “undesirable and unintended consequences” provides clear authority to address the cascade of negative impacts current policies have created, including:

      • Increased food prices from agricultural restrictions
      • Destruction of critical bird habitat
      • Catastrophic fire behavior that destroys all habitat types
      • Economic devastation of rural communities
      • Degraded watershed conditions affecting salmon populations

      Your administration has an historic opportunity to restore common sense to natural resource management in our region. By using § 4331’s balanced framework, you could create a model that serves all stakeholders – farmers, tribes, timber communities, and wildlife – while ensuring America’s food security and natural heritage remain protected for future generations.

      We urge you to consider issuing an executive order that would require agencies to implement NEPA’s original vision of balanced stewardship. This action would replace ideologically driven policies with pragmatic solutions that protect both our environment and our communities. The Klamath Basin could once again demonstrate how American ingenuity and common sense can resolve seemingly intractable environmental challenges while preserving our agricultural heritage, forestry traditions, and way of life.

      The future of our region hangs in the balance. Section 4331 provides the legal framework for action. We now need your administration’s leadership to restore balance and common sense to environmental management across the Klamath Basin’s waters and forests.

      Respectfully submitted,
      Jay A. Martin – publisher Siskiyou News

      42 U.S. Code § 4331

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