Archived, Short Stories

House Holds UFO Hearing

House lawmakers heard testimony this week from witnesses alleging that the federal government has decades’ worth of information on UFOs that remains undisclosed.

A former Pentagon official testified before the House Oversight Committee’s subcommittee, claiming that the U.S. possesses alien technology and that military installations have been surveilled by “advanced technologies not made by our government — or any other government.

Another former Pentagon official claimed the U.S. has been aware of extraterrestrial activity since the 1930s and misappropriating funds to fund a secret program, stating that “excessive secrecy has led to grave misdeeds against loyal civil servants, military personnel and the public — all to hide the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos.”

A former NASA administrator urged the space agency to take a more active role in documenting unidentified phenomena, suggesting it use advanced equipment instead of relying on cellphone footage and fighter jets’ cockpit gun cameras.

credit: The Flyover, LLC

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