If our President-elect Donald J. Trump wants to see his vision of making America great again, we need to do things much differently than before. More of the same won’t get it done, using the same minds only begets more of the same failed results.
Firstly, we need smart innovators who are loyal to the beliefs of our founding fathers and the construct of a ‘Constitutional Republic’. Seat-warming brain-dead disloyal bureaucrats need not apply.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is already working-on finding suitable appointees for the Trump administration using his own website to Make America Healthy Again (‘MAHA’).
And it seems I have been nominated to serve as the Director of the Bureau of Land Management’s (‘BLM’) Wild Horse and Burro Program, a position where I know I can be 100% effective, and likely working my way out of the job in a year or two at the max by solving the issues there for all the stakeholders and for the wild horses.
It appears I am in 4th place at this point in the first 24-hours since my nomination:
Once you have an account, you login to your account, and then you will see the ‘VOTE’ button, HERE is where you start: https://nominees.mahanow.org/t/william-e-simpson-ii/4448
Secondly, we need to be loyal to our heritage. We must honor respect those who came before us and did the groundbreaking that made America great, upon whose shoulders and backs we all stand today.
Make no mistake, documented history shows America was initially made great by our forefathers off the backs of our American horses! We must keep in mind, without the horses, there would be no Ford, no Chevy, no Dodge, and certainly no Tesla.
Even in the early 1900’s, history tells us we still had over 3-million wild horses left in America. We only have 2% of that population left alive today… The people who have been running the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program have done a great job of exterminating the most iconic American cultural-heritage treasure, the ‘wild horse’.
And now, though innovative thinking and the use of a Plan called the Natural Wildfire Abatement and Forest Protection Plan, affectionately called ‘Wild Horse Fire Brigade‘, our American iconic wild horses can help make America great again. Some people might ask, but how would that work?
Our beautiful American nation is literally burning to the ground. And the resulting toxic smoke from fire, including prescribed fire, is according to published science putting Americans in premature graves.
UCLA published a *study stating the 5,000 Californians are dying premature deaths due to wildfire smoke annually. Over the past decade, about 55,000 Californians have died prematurely from wildfire smoke, and the resulting economic impact from that was estimated at over $400-Billion! One can only imagine what the full tally of the premature death toll is nationally from wildfire smoke. And the economic losses must be in the $-Trillions.
*The research, published today in the journal Science Advances, finds that inhaling the fine particulate matter known as PM2.5 from wildland fires led to 52,500 to 55,700 deaths in the 11 years from 2008-2018, with an associated economic impact of $432 billion to $456 billion.
Over the past decade, the team at the nonprofit Wild Horse Fire Brigade and I have been doing the hard, boots on the ground, empirically-driven research into the differences between the wild horses, that were protected by President Richard M. Nixon in 1971, and domestic horses. And they are in fact different in many important ways that offer significant environmental and economic benefits to American citizens and our beautiful nation.
Wild horses are the only large non-ruminant herbivore left in America that can mitigate a wide range of grasses and brush, and do so year round, thus reducing these hottest-burning fuels on the American landscape. Some loggers and firefighters call these 1-hour class fuels, ‘rocket fuel’ because grass and brush burns very fast and so hot it can ignite all other heavy fuels (trees, structures) and even melt aluminum (takes 1,450-degrees F).
The Bureau of Land Management (‘BLM’) has arguably been run by incompetent people for too long.
People have been appointed for the wrong reasons, and who did far more damage than good. And the reckless mismanagement of the remaining ‘protected’ American wild horses by the recent Directors of the BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program is an epic tragedy. America may have already lost some of the most valuable wild horse genetics due to gross mismanagement. America is now down to just *59,000 (*per BLM census May 2024) wild horses left in America.
Most of America’s wild horses have been rounded-up and incarcerated into taxpayer-funded (est. $200-Million/year) off-range holding facilities, where they are fed ‘cheap grass’.
In addition to stealing the Federally granted ‘freedom’ under Nixon’s 1971 Free-Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act, this is like having the fire department in jail during fire season, because these wild horses naturally reduce and manage the wildfire fuels on the American wilderness.
In the meantime, there are people agencies and NGOs who are monetizing our forests via fire… a massively damaging business model. Wild horses grazing wildfire fuels also helps to sequester carbon. Prescribed fire (aka ‘RxFire’) is risky and has caused significant economic losses when they go out of control, as well documented in New Mexico and elsewhere. Additionally, prescribed fires put even more toxic smoke and greenhouse gasses and particulates into the air we all need to breath. And being ‘indigenous’ or ‘cultural fire’ doesn’t mean that such fires are less dangerous or that the smoke is less harmful or toxic, that’s just fairy-dust.
We have millions of acres of vacant wildfire-prone wilderness lands where wild horses can be relocated away from areas where they are deemed to be in conflict with other public-lands stakeholders. There is no logical reason to put them into taxpayer-funded off-range holding, none.
These wild horses are also the only large-bodied ‘non-ruminant herbivore‘ that co-evolved with the native North American flora (grasses and plants). What this means is that they poop-out most of the native plant and grass seeds they consume, which then germinate. That important digestive feature of the horse continues the life-cycles of the grasses and plants, benefiting other herbivores like deer, rabbits, birds, and even pollinators that require the flowers of the flora. Ruminant herbivores (deer, elk, cattle, sheep and goats) digest most of the seeds they consume, so over time, they can deplete the seed-bank and ultimately, reduce native flora, which reduces the sustenance for other animals and insects, and a resulting loss of cover crops that are required to reduce erosion and enhance the refreshment of the aquifer.
Wild horses are the natural prey for mountain lions, bears, wolves and coyotes. This prey-predator balance is critical to the very survival of wild horses and their genetic vigor that is maintained through Natural Selection. This prey-predator balance also naturally manages wild horse populations without any human interference. In areas where livestock production is underway, the predators have been eliminated with great prejudice by USDA hunters and ranchers. So when wild horses are ignorantly managed in the same areas as livestock production, they too over-populate creating a human-caused problem that is easily solved with logic and a plan, which our 501-c-3 all-volunteer nonprofit have developed and proved effective, called the Natural Wildfire Abatement and Forest Protection Plan, aka ‘Wild Horse Fire Brigade’ (the ‘Plan’)
The Plan (Wild Horse Fire Brigade) has been showcased by ABC, CBS, NBC, The Guardian, NPR National Science, NIH, The Atlantic, Global News, and many others.
Recently, the insurance industry analysts and credit-rating company, AM BEST (since 1897) investigated the Plan, and was so impressed they produced an 8-minute documentary, funded out of their own pockets. Their documentary can be seen HERE: https://www.ambest.com/video/video.aspx?s=1&rc=wildhorses323
Additional References:
Enjoy Magazine: https://enjoymagazine.com/2024/04/all-the-pretty-horses-2/
CALSTATE NEWS: https://www.csus.edu/news/newsroom/stories/2024/1/wild-horses-internship.html
Siskiyou News: https://www.siskiyou.news/2024/01/20/cal-state-university-sacramento-students-complete-new-wild-horse-fellowship-program/
KOBI NEWS: https://kobi5.com/news/top-stories/wild-horses-could-reduce-wildfire-damages-221367/
The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/are-americas-wild-horses-the-answer-to-wildfires-a-photo-essay-aoe
The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/08/invasive-species-wild-horses-fires/675043/
NPR National Science: https://www.npr.org/2022/10/30/1131042723/preventing-wildfire-with-the-wild-horse-fire-brigade
Reasons To Be Cheerful: https://reasonstobecheerful.world/could-wild-horses-help-fight-wildfires/
Best’s Review: https://bestsreview.ambest.com/edition/2023/june/Wild-Horses-and-California-Catastrophic-Fire.html
NIH: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/17511
Sierra Nevada Ally: https://sierranevadaally.org/2021/04/05/wild-horse-wars/
NiceNews: https://nicenews.com/environment/wild-horses-could-help-prevent-wildfires/
Horse-Canada: https://horse-canada.com/magazine/equine-welfare/can-wild-horses-help-prevent-wildfires-west/
Feine Hilfen: https://feinehilfen.com/der-kampf-um-amerikas-mustangs-ein-anderer-ansatz/
There’s about 25-30 more articles… The time for less wildfire and smoke is NOW!
- CalMatters: Busing people out of homelessness: How California’s relocation programs really work
- Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Deputy Makes Major Fentanyl Seizure During Thanksgiving Traffic Stop
- National Institute of Health ‘NIH’ covering Wild Horse Fire Brigade
- Commentary: DOGE (and Fiscal Reform) Will Double Your Income. In Two, Five, at the outside Ten Years
- How Trump Plans to Seize the Power of the Purse From Congress
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