Archived, Siskiyou

KRRC’s ‘Plan’ – Inconsistent With Common Sense and Genuine Klamath River Restoration

More of KRRC’s reckless nonsense is visible in the Klamath River as now clay seems to be in the mix of pollutants in the Klamath River now, thanks to KRRC and contractors. The tiny micro-particles of clay could attach to the fishes gills and cause them to suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

Of course we can expect the standard spin phrase from Klamath River Renewal Corporation,  “it’s all going according to plan” … 

But which ‘plan’ is the real question?

The plan that was approved by government agencies? Or, what we see as the ‘do as we please, cheap and dirty plan‘ ?

The resulting string of ecological disasters that have ensued since KRRC and Resource Environmental Services (‘RES’) arguably went ‘off-plan’ is shocking to say the least.  

One example:  Failing to timely fence-off the shorelines of the lakes and provide alternative water to keep wildlife out of the deadly, sticky clay-mud, that killed innumerable wildlife during the winter of 2023-2024. And to also keep wildlife and livestock out of areas to be revegetated later in the Spring-Summer of 2024.

And even after the needless and preventable loss of wildlife, they continued delaying in timely fencing and providing alternative water for wildlife and livestock. And now KRRC and RES have the unmitigated gall to attempt to blame wildlife and livestock (horses) for the failing of their flawed revegetation project through their supporters within the ranks of media.

More about that subject here

They did tear down the dams, we gotta give them that… but that was just a part of the plan

And some may say that part, was the easiest part compared to a very complex River Restoration that is required and was outlined in the EIS and NEPA…  

The environmental approvals provided by the government did NOT allow for the ecological devastation we have already witnessed and documented, which is arguably being covered-up by an alliance of American Rivers, KRRC, RES, tribes and their media hacks. Given the use of public funds in this failed and misrepresented project, it seems that a Congressional investigation is in order.

The processes for dam removal and Klamath River restoration in the government approved documents related to EIS and NEPA, which were approved and permits issued were based-upon adherence to the ‘approved’ Plan.

A critically important part of the Plan was dewatering the lakes over months to keep sedimentation of the main-stem of the Klamath River to an absolute minimum, given the known ecological damage from such sedimentation. 

Arguably, the draining of the lakes was NOT done on plan. And resulting sedimentation and turbidity literally killed billions of native life-forms in the main-stem of the Klamath River down-steam from the dams to the Pacific Ocean. 

In the NOAA satellite image above, we see turbidity from reckless sedimentation of the Klamath River extending far out into the Pacific Ocean. As we see, it doesn’t just go to the bottom.

What You Need to know about sedimentation and turbidity (extracts from a major published *study:

The result of allowing excessive sedimentation of the Klamath River resulted in a Kill-Off that included millions of native fish like salmon, steelhead, rainbow trout, and crayfish (a foundational food species for both aquatic and terrestrial fauna). And other native species of fish, reptiles (turtles), amphibians and some small mammals (otters and beavers) died as a result.  The hundreds of photos and videos of these millions of dead animals tell the truth, and that important truth has been obfuscated by most major media outlets! 

Instead of sticking to the approved Plan, for highly questionable reasonsKRRC drained the lakes over a matter of days as seen and documented by numerous photos and films. 

That unapproved action resulted in the excessive release of polluted clay-based sediments from the lake beds, and the silting-in of the entire Klamath River, as predicted in writing by the Scientific Integrity Officer (Dr. Paul Houser) of the DOI and BOR.

Dr. Houser was fired for reporting this very same possibility, now reality, and previously exposed by Congressman Tom McClintock in a Congressional hearing: via YouTube:

From 2012, video of Rep. Tom McClintock Exposes the Klamath River Dams Coverup

It’s now the middle of August!  Fall run Chinook will be lucky to survive, let alone spawn due to the pollution. They are surely suffering and unable to spawn due to sedimentation of the spawning gravels (redds). So much for this season’s cohorts of salmon and steelhead.

According to CDF&W:

“Fall-run Chinook Salmon migrate upstream as adults from July through December and spawn from early October through late December.”

Isn’t it past due the time to start telling the truth about this grand failure and learn the lessons at hand so as to avoid them going forward with any other proposed dam removal projects?Is American Rivers, KRRC and RES so worried and desperate about taking their profitable circus of ecological disaster to the next dam, that they are intentionally doing everything in the power, and arguably using some of our tax dollars, to misinform the public, and even the agencies that allowed this mess to begin with?

*Major Study on Sediments and Fluvial Salmonoids 


  1. Thankyou William E. Simpson II.
    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”.
    You are a good man.
    I for one appreciate your efforts to inform the people and your patriot nature.

  2. How are the Salmon going to survive without the damns?…….. That’s what I’m hearing, kinda bizarre!

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