Greetings Everyone!
Through a 5-year contract between California State University, Sacramento and nonprofit Wild Horse Fire Brigade, a novel field-biology program was launched, and the first students have graduated.

Video Highlights of Program; additional social media links below.
Two university students from CAL-STATE University, Sacramento just completed the intensive 2-week Wild Horse Fellowship program at Wild Horse Fire Brigade’s wilderness research site, Wild Horse Ranch.
This novel Wild Horse Fellowship program uses the ‘Goodall Method‘ for studying wildlife (wild horses) and is the result of a 5-year contract between nonprofit Wild Horse Fire Brigade and California State University, Sacramento.
Wild Horse Fire Brigade is funding all aspects of the Fellowship program, so there is no cost to Cal-State or the students.
Cal-State Univ., Sacramento Professor Wayne Linklater, who is also an advisory board member of Wild Horse Fire Brigade, is overseeing the program. Wild horse researchers Michelle Gough & William E. Simpson II are providing the onsite wilderness & wild horse teaching assistance. Simpson has been living in the wilderness among and studying free-roaming wild horses for 10-years, and Gough has accumulated nearly 4-years of time living-among and studying the wild horses.
The program has already received acclaim from the students, scientists, numerous wild horse advocates, and from the Jane Goodall Institute, who wrote; “Love this programme”
Watch the video highlights of the Wild Horse Fellowship Program at these social media outlets:
1) YouTube:
2) Facebook: OfficialWHFB
3) Twitter:
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Will more be said about the lies recently put up, probably by U.S. Bureau of Land Management, that they are humanely treating U. S. mustangs, when they’d rather help a few cattlemen to use land & water designated for wild horses? Best wishes in your work saving your beautiful creatures.