McCloud now has Spilled the Beans in the back of the McCloud Mercantile. This hidden treasure of a coffee and/or lunch shop is tucked away in the historic McCloud Mercantile building and is becoming a favorite for both tourists and locals alike.

This little restaurant retreat is suited for people on the go who want to get a quick coffee or sandwich and is also for those who want to just kick back and relax in a comfortable setting in front of the wood stove, or at a quiet little table with friends, or

take advantage of the small library of books including fictions, non-fiction, adventure, biography, art, and body/mind/soul to kick back and relax. She will be adding a TV for people to watch sports and a little play station for little children so their parents can sit in peace.

From white moca to regular or drip, all your favorite coffees are ready to go along with a variety of homemade pastries, scones, pies, turnovers, and muffins, including gluten-free. Each day there is something different. Also, there are always homemade sandwiches and wraps to grab for lunch later on as well.

Traci Shirley has combined her two favorite passions into her business; baking and crafting. She has a variety of crafts for sale.

From mugs, t-shirts, or sweatshirt memorabilia with her logo and other fun sayings to art that decorates the walls of the restaurant. Traci also does catering for events and parties.

Traci Shirley has 35 years of experience under her belt. “I have a full commercial kitchen and I will be adding to my sandwiches and wraps this fall to hardier foods like soups, dogs and bratwursts, and chili. I want to also feed the town folks.”

He says, “I come here often for a sandwich because it is very convenient, but I also love her salads here as well.”

Traci says that being in the kitchen is her happy place. She loves living in a small town and being part of the community. Aubrey from the Meat Market and Tavern restaurant also in the Mercantile stops by to see how she is doing.
“If I don’t have something, I will send people to who do,” says Traci.
Spill the Beans hours are 7:30 to 3:00 every day except Wednesdays are 7:30 to 10:00
and closed on Thursdays.
Located at 231 Main Street, McCloud, CA. Phone (360) 531-4910
Email [email protected] They can also be found on Facebook
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