Featured News, Siskiyou

Copco Dam set to GO – Just Push the Button

Photo Credit: swiftwaterfilms.com, Swiftwater Films – an independent production company

20+ years of bickering, lawsuits and untold millions spent on studying, charting, researching!

Copco #1 📸 Swiftwaterfilms

Swiftwater Films

Thank you Shane Anderson for granting Siskiyou News to use your photographs!

I emailed Klamath River Renewal Corporation for information on progress update and comment on photographs. Below is the response I received..


Here’s a link to our FB page with some information on the work at Copco 1 and the new tunnel. Also, KRRC will be presenting at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday the 26th if you’d like to join and hear more about the work. Those photos were made available by Shane Anderson, Swiftwater Films, and you likely need their permission to publish these photos.


Mark Bransom

Chief Executive Officer

Klamath River Renewal Corporation

[email protected]

I have yet to receive a reply for Klamath River Renewal Corporation public information officer Ren Brownell. If I receive a response I will update this.

I have yet yo receive a reply from Ray Haupt, Siskiyou Country Board of Supervisor. To the best of my knowledge this is in District 5, Ray Haupt is

  • Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District – Director
  • Siskiyou Power Authority – Director
Committee Memberships:

Revised 2/22/2023 { https://www.co.siskiyou.ca.us/supervisors/page/district-5-ray-haupt }

The following is response from: Richard Marshall, President: Siskiyou County Water Users Association

Great pictures; the last is the placing of dynamite in the dam structure; one is of the tunnel that was the diversion tunnel when the dam was built, the one in the middle looks like the new tunnel they are creating under the dam.

What is most interesting is the exposure in the photo of the basaltic dike that originally formed the natural barrier to the Klamath River and the spot selected by J.C. Boyle to place the dam as it was right in  the slot created by the erosion of the original dike blocking the Klamath River which rose 134  feet high in ancient times.

Only time will tell, I feel. I have had it parroted to me many times talking with Yurok, and Karuk “That if they believed this would kill the river and its ecosystem that “they” would not want this #UNDAMMING Done!


  1. I’d like to talk with you regarding a potential daily blog. I can meet in North County to facilitate a chat.

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