Opinion, Siskiyou

I’m Disappointed in the Traumatization of our Local Youth

UPDATE: Mechanic’s Bank has not donated to Y.E.S. They were sponsors of C.A.S.A and their logo was transferred to the new Y.E.S. website from their C.A.S.A. sponsorship.

by Jess Harris

A few weeks ago, an organization that is meant to help children (fostered, traumatized, etc.) decided that it would be a good idea to put on story time with a drag queen and king and host a drag show geared for children. This event was held at the Karuk Wellness Center up by the Campell Tracts. Youth Empowerment Services (Y.E.S) is this organization.

People’s private lives are their business, but to have the audacity to sexualize young children is beyond comprehensible. The three biggest sponsors for Y.E.S. are Unified Caring Association, Rain Rock Casino, and Mechanics Bank. I messaged Ronda Gubetta at Mechanics to inquire and have not received a response. The sponsors of this organization are helping to fund immoral projects geared at our local youth.

Luckily for me, I do not use Mechanics Bank or frequent Rain Rock. I will not be supporting businesses that flaunt sexualization at our children. Let’s let folks know that this not acceptable in our community!

I’m disappointed in Mechanics Bank and the Karuk Tribe for contributing to the traumatization of our local youth. I hope they denounce this event and no longer support these types of events.


  1. Stanley and Shari Fiock Sandahl

    Childhood is challenging on many levels, and with many in today’s society wanting to indoctrinate or steal youth’s innocence, in our opinion, it’s WRONG! As great-great grandparents and all levels in between we’re concerned for all our loved ones as well as all youth/humanity.

  2. The Native American

    To Mr. Jess Harris,

    Just a question, is this you? https://www.linkedin.com/in/jess-harris-b9157517a?trk=pub-pbmap

    Because if it is, there are some concerning things about your profile matching with the regional location/involvement and organizations: Which include a link to a firearms organization page guided by Christian beliefs which advocates for gun rights under the 2nd amendment?

    But anyway, I would counter-argue that Republican states like Tennessee are trying to dismantle age limits for child marriages (ugh), alongside allow only “straight” couple to marry. Just about every conservative/republican state these days are trying to pull a Rick Santorum. But hey! Let’s keep having child beauty pageants because that’s okay, right?! And rolling back and resorting to child labor because “It’s American”? The trauma with religion, gun violence, and child abuse/neglect are far higher than the so called “drag queen” event you’re so vehemently against. Might want to revisit those statistics while at it.

    In case you haven’t heard (or read for that matter), there are Natives/Indians who are two-spirit. If you don’t know what that is or means, you have a lot of reading to do because it’s been around for quite sometime!

    I guess you weren’t taught about tolerance and acceptance as a child, and that’s more disturbing to say the least. I would advise you to watch the The Last of Us Episode 3. If you can manage to finish that episode, then you still have hope.

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