Today after our first Siskiyou Shutter Bugs/Siskiyou Photographers meeting in almost three years because of covid I went out to photograph east of Montague, CA., then down into the Shasta Valley. The meeting, held at the Black Bear Diner in Yreka, CA., was well attended by local photographers and others […]
Author: Mel Fechter
The American Kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America. It measures about 7-8 inches in length. The American Kestrel packs a predator’s fierce intensity into its small body. It’s one of the most colorful of all raptors. The Kestrel has a rusty tail. Males have blue-gray wings, while females’ […]
Tom has been a “Master Falconer” for 57 years and isn’t slowing down. He trains his falcons daily. During the seasons Tom’s rents, out his falcons for bird abatement in grape vineyards and blue berry fields. The falcons keep starlings and other birds at bay away from the fruit while […]
The Weed Mima Mound Field aka Mysterious Stone Circles
Today I traveled to a 600 acre “Mima Mound” rock circle area north of Weed, CA., near the Interstate 5 Weed rest areas and took these photos. Per the internet: Each mound is similar, measuring about 60 feet in diameter and two feet high circled with rocks that appear to […]