To date, Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation (SALC) investments have protected 381 square miles of California agricultural and working lands, making further progress on the State’s 30×30 conservation goal. For the first time, SALC funding this year will support California tribes with land acquisitions.
Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
The California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) recently gave its approval for more than $116 million in grants through the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program. These funds aim to safeguard around 50,500 acres of croplands, rangelands, and culturally significant areas used by Native American tribes for traditional resource cultivation.
By supporting the preservation of these lands, the SGC aims to address a range of environmental and socio-cultural concerns. Protecting croplands and rangelands helps maintain agricultural productivity while preventing urban sprawl and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, safeguarding lands important to California Native American tribes helps preserve their cultural heritage and support community well-being.
This is the ninth round of annual SALC funding, which is in the process of protecting 244,000 acres of agricultural and working lands statewide, making further progress on California’s goal to conserve 30 percent of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030.
The grants provided by the SGC will permanently protect these areas, ensuring their continued use as vital agricultural spaces and cultural resources. This commitment aligns with broader conservation efforts in the state and contributes to California’s sustainable development goals.
Overall, this funding initiative exemplifies the state’s dedication to balancing environmental preservation, agricultural sustainability, and cultural stewardship for the benefit of current and future generations.
Acquisition Grantees: Siskiyou Land Trust SALC Round 9 Awardees
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If only the treaties were honored.