Latest News, Siskiyou

A Long Time Coming

The world’s largest dam removal project to free the Klamath River

A Featured CALTROUT.ORG Article

The Yurok Tribe has lived along the Klamath River in northwestern California since time immemorial. Over one hundred years ago, five hydroelectric dams were constructed on the river, impeding fish passage and disrupting the waterway’s natural flow. For the Tribe, the impacts of these dams have been catastrophic. From toxic algal blooms and fish kills to poor water quality, the dams have completely disrupted the Tribe’s way of life.

“The Yurok Tribe are ‘fix the world’ people. Our high ceremonies dictate that we restore balance to the world,” said Barry McCovey, Senior Fisheries Biologist for the Yurok Tribe and Yurok Tribal member. “Looking at the Klamath River today, it is bisected by four dams, cutting off the energy flow. That is the definition of imbalance in an ecosystem.”

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