The deconstruction of Copco No. 2, the smallest of the four hydroelectric dams being removed, is well underway. This week crews removed the gates, walkway, and two of the five bays down to the spillway. The remaining bays will direct waters around the dam, rather than over it, to allow construction activities during the summer months. Expected full deconstruction to conclude this fall.
Klamath River Renewal Corp FB Page

Top & Bottom Photo Credit Shane Anderson Swiftwater Films

In early May 1910 the Siskiyou Electric Power and Light Company started surveys of Ward’s Canyon on the Klamath River and the reservoir area above for the purpose of purchasing land and building a hydroelectric power plant.

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Arrest Arrested Avery Theatre bookings CDF&W chinook CHSRA coho Copco Dunsmuir Dunsmuir Elementary Easter Egg Hunt Etna EtnaCa FERC gardening Irongate Iron Gate Jail KCOC Klamath National Forest klamath river Klamath River Dams KNF KRRC Main Street Homestead McCloud Montague Mount Shasta Mt Shasta obituary Rodeo Salmon Scott River Scott Valley SCSO sheriff Siskiyou Siskiyou County Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors Siskiyou Golden Fair USDA KNF weedca YPD Yreka
KRRC has pushed hard to execute this gargantuan mistake, resulting in one of the most environmentally damaging, economic catastrophes in American history.
The unthinking rush to remove the dams will have far reaching consequences to Siskiyou County, the Klamath, the downriver populations and surrounding counties. Most of all the destruction of the Salmon population and those animals dependent on the River and those living in it. Furthermore, the process of the Courts supporting the writing of purposely misleading information relied upon by the voting public re the intent of a Bond issue will set the stage for more of the same going forward resulting in a continued mistrust of the government. Congress had the opportunity and the responsibility to step in because of the infringement of the U.S. Constitution Compact Clause Article I Section 10 Clause 3 and the Federal Statute implementing the Klamath Compact. This project has from the beginning avoided public scrutiny with secret meetings and lack of Public Hearings and now denial of just compensation for citizens impacted by the damages resulting from removal. The so called Mitigation Fund does not comport with the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution and with the California Constitution. Our politicians are well aware of these faults and affronts to the public and the Constitution and have not taken any steps to protect the public.
You sound quite panty bent do you own land near these dams sure sounds like it I’m extremely happy to see these obstacles removed so this river returns back to it was millions of years ago. Enjoy your view of the river
“Back to the way it was millions of years ago?” Spoken like a true troglodyte
According to Texas A&M Geologists, there were several tall lava dams completely blocking the Klamath River 2-million years ago… that is a FACT. And the waterfalls off these natural lava dams were up to 200-feet off the river bed.!
Salomon can only jump about 3-4 feet this far up the Klamath River (the Copco 1 Dam is at river mile 187).
Why not read and LEARN something for a change…