By Lorenzo Love
Yreka City Council Chamber, 701 Fourth Street, Yreka, CA
Regular Meetings of the Yreka City Council are held the 1 st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.
The full agenda packet can be found on the City’s website:
Resolution for the Creation of a Fire Department Ad Hoc Committee Postponed from last week.
Adopting a Proclamation against Hate Postponed from last week.
Withdrawal of Grant SW-47-002 2018 Parks Bond Act, Statewide Park
Development and Community Revitalization – Yreka Swim Center and Native Park
Finally formally rejecting this foolish grant. $8.5 million to build something that would cost between $25 million to $32 million. It would have bankrupted the city.
It's worth noting that the person who wrote this crazy grant proposal that could have ruined the city is Robin Richards. Who is now running for City Council. Keep that in mind if you care about the city's financial stability.
Review and discussion of City Capital and Operating Project list
What the city is planning on spending our money on.
Approval of the City’s preliminary grant application for a Chief Resilience Officer to Cal OES for up to $1 million in State funds.
This is someone to increase the City’s capacity to develop local initiatives that foster resilience and mitigation project scoping, needed planning, activities, and outreach for mitigation preparedness and recover. The proposed position would assist the City Manager, Planning, Fire, and Police Departments in public outreach, coordination with local, county and federal agencies with the mission of hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness, data collection and analysis, and preparation of marketing and planning documents.
At least the state is paying for it.
Public Safety Calls for Service – Presentation by Police Chief Mark Gilman
3331 calls for service in August. We need more cops on the street and fewer paper pushers in City Hall.
There's more. Read the agenda.