Siskiyou, South County, Yreka




The State of Emergency declared in Siskiyou County by Governor Newsom for the McKinney Fire set in motion a base camp being placed on the fairground facility by CalFire. The timing of this catastrophic event made it impossible to predict an end date and the Siskiyou Golden Fair was cancelled. This is the second time in three years the fair has been cancelled, in 2020 due to covid and now in 2022 because of the state of emergency called in Siskiyou County by the Governor. In 2020 we were able to host an event to support our junior livestock exhibitors at our own fairground but in 2022 it is impossible due to emergency services that are being provided for our community.

In an emergency meeting by the 10th DAA it was decided by the 10th District Agricultural Association Board of Directors and the 10th District Junior Livestock Committee to accept the amazing offer by the Jackson County Expo to move our show and sale to their facility. “We had many offers to assist in our time of need but the closest fairground us is Jackson County even though it is in the State of Oregon”, “The support we are getting from our neighbors to the north is beyond anything you would expect and I personally will be forever grateful for their assistance.”

The Junior Livestock show and auction will take place at the Jackson County Expo with online capabilities and a Siskiyou County based online viewing facility that is yet to be determined. The Saturday night sale will include an onsite meal at the Expo and at the viewing facility in Siskiyou County starting at 5:00PM with the sale starting at 6:00PM and the Sunday Morning Sale will start at 10:00am after the buyers breakfast that will be provided.

Once again, we cannot express our gratitude enough to the Jackson County Expo and the greater community for graciously accepting us into their facility in this time of need. More information about the auction will be placed on the Siskiyou Golden Fair website in the coming days –


Steers will be bedding on sand that is already in place in the beef barn at Jackson County Expo.

All other species will be responsible for providing their own bedding for the event and it must be shavings.

To be more clear – youth that have one or more market projects can show all projects at this show. youth that have breeding projects that are different from their market animals but in a market animal specie will be able to show that animal since we have a judge already scheduled to judge the market animals and showmanship. The one breeding animal will be for showmanship only.

Unfortunately we will not be showing dairy goats or cavy at the Jackson County event and time constraints have eliminated Pee Wee Showmanship.

All exhibitors are required to email [email protected] by noon on Friday August 5th the animals they wish to show this year.



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