Although, KEEP SCOTT VALLEY RURAL is not opposed to the expansion of Kidder Creek’s children’s summer camp, this project proposes to build a major event center in a rural neighborhood. This is industrial recreation!
This project is not compliant with the Scott Valley Area Plan. This kind of development is why it was written in the first place. With an increase from 165 to 844 persons per day year-round, this is no longer a small children's camp, the expansion will include adults. This is INDUSTRIAL RECREATION.
TRAFFIC: The projected traffic is estimated at 1500-1800 vehicles per day year-round on South Kidder Creek Road (This is insane).
WATER: The project will enable KCOC to become a small city that will be larger than Etna or Fort Jones. The camp will be operating in the dry summer months even though the California State Water Board has put restrictions on our valley ranchers due to drought. This project does not address what issues the 200-300 nearest neighbors will deal with as 844 people use various facilities. Use of surface and ground water as proposed will dewater flows in Kidder Creek. WILL THE NEIGHBOR'S WELLS DRY UP?
NOISE: The noise issue in the EIR proposal is extremely flawed by undercounting traffic volumes, ignoring construction noise (this project could build out up to 20 years) and not being transparent with neighbors. The proposed 7-acre pond and amphitheater/beach/recreation area will have noise impacts that will affect both South and North Kidder Creek.
FIRE: If there are wildfires near or involving the camp the two exit roads to be used are South Kidder creek road and a small rural rough road through Patterson creek road. Evacuating 844 people, 24 RV's, numerous horse trailers, and the 200-300 close neighbor's vehicles is irresponsible and extremely dangerous.

Please email your letter to the county planning department at: [email protected] and let them know you oppose this plan. Please use your own words, it can be brief and to the point.
Also, email your letter to your supervisor: [email protected] and the planning commission at: [email protected].
Their decision will be greatly influenced by community input. The letters have to be in by August 8th, but please send ASAP.
Please plan to attend the planning commission meeting on August 17th at 9am, location to be determined. Please visit the following link to find out the location https://www.co.siskiyou.ca.us/recent_meetings
Kidder Creek Orchard Camp Draft Environmental Impact Report