Censorship is alive and well in America
I am proud to say that I have been getting attacked and censored across the social media arena, many say that “being over the target really stirs things up.”
When I took on this project my gut feeling was that I had to have a way to provide information that was not under the thumb of someone else’s control. In the last few weeks or months really that AI has rolled out and is controlling the net this is more important than ever. FB has been pulling content from pages that I own going back to 2018..
It has become a daily struggle of filing paperwork and objections so the AI models can learn what is and “is not” in violation of community standards.
Nothing new really, but what is interesting to me is the fact that FB pays me to share my website to FB to sell advertising on. I get a small percentage in return, averaging 60-100 per month. Laughing, almost 1/2 a tank of gas to go out and rinse and repeat.
Thanks to you, the amazing supporters that make all this possible I can and will continue to be balanced, working to get the correct information to the best of my ability. Even if it is not all rainbows and unicorns.
The website traffic is amazing, 190,000 people a month! The physical print has been a real game changer for me also. More than 100 copies are mailed weekly and another few hundred make it into stores and shops in the county. Recently found a way to get them down the Klamath river and working on something consistent to get the “weekly” out to Macdoel area.
I am very reluctant to tell you this but last week I took a targeted attack that resulted in 2.5 million dollars worth of 20$ subscription to Siskiyou.news, the CC processing company that paywall project developers developed was able to bounce all but 175$ without hitting my bank account. They wrote computer scripts and spent all last Sunday cleaning up a monstrous mess.
Here is a article that FB and social media refuses to let you see:
Yes there is SALMON above the old Iron Gate Dam.. Outstanding.. Nature is truly amazing.. One of the most amazing things I see, and that I feel is rather mind bending is that within weeks of a forest fire all the new growth from Ferns to flowers and shrubs that sprout to life after a spark took that old life away.
Have a wonderful weekend… Jay
Here are the latest posts we published the last seven days… Enjoy!
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