To: Interested Parties and Scott River and Shasta River Water Right Holders (sent to water right holders for which the Board has email addresses and to the Scott-Shasta Drought E-mail List)
Dear Interested Parties:
The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board or Board) plans to receive public comments on flow efforts for the Scott River and Shasta River watersheds both for this water year and upcoming years during its meeting on October 15, 2024.
This agenda item will focus on the presentation of information and recommendations related to the long-term flow efforts for the Scott River and Shasta River watersheds as well as flows in the nearer term. Panels will be invited to present information and ideas regarding long-term efforts for the Scott River and Shasta Rivers. Interested parties will also have an opportunity to provide public comments.
The agenda for the Board’s October 15, 2024 meeting will be made available at least 10 days prior to the meeting on the Board Calendar website.
If you would like to receive email updates related to emergency regulation efforts for the Shasta River and Scott River watersheds, please sign up under “State Water Resources Control Board” and “Water Rights” for the “Scott-Shasta Drought” email subscription list.
Questions regarding this notice and related efforts can be directed by email to: [email protected] or leave a message at our dedicated Scott River and Shasta River Emergency Regulation phone line at: (916) 327-3113.