
Proposed Resolution to Adopt an Emergency Regulation In The Klamath River Watershed

The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Division of Water Rights (Division) is proposing an emergency regulation to, among other things, re-establish minimum instream flows in the Scott River and Shasta River watersheds and provide authority to curtail water rights. The proposed emergency regulation is scheduled to be considered by the State Water Board at the December 19, 2023 Board meeting.  The emergency regulation is Agenda Item #5 – Consideration of a proposed Resolution to adopt an emergency regulation that provides curtailment authority in the Kamath River watershed and that establishes minimum instream flow requirements and information order authority in the Scott River and Shasta River watersheds.  

Comments on the agenda item are due by 12:00 pm (noon) on Thursday, December 14, 2023.  Please refer to the agenda for instructions on how to provide comments on the agenda item, including the proposed regulation.   

Staff note that the proposed emergency regulation for consideration by the State Water Board has been updated based on comments and input received on the previous emergency regulation and on the preliminary draft emergency regulation released in November. Based on the range of comments received, parties may be particularly interested in changes from the preliminary draft emergency regulation to the following sections: 

  • Section 875 (f)(4)(D): Local Cooperative Solutions (for overlying groundwater users) 
  • Section 875.7 (d)(1) and (e)(1)(a): Inefficient Livestock Watering  

In addition to information on providing comments, please refer to the agenda for details on the December 19, 2023, Board meeting, including details about attending the meeting in-person or virtually, translation, and special accommodations. 

Additional information on the State Water Board’s Drought Emergency Regulation efforts in the Scott River and Shasta River watersheds is available online at the Scott River and Shasta River Watersheds Drought Response website

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