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Update to Deceased Man Found in Scott Bar

By: Carol Jordan

Many of you are asking about the status of my sister-in-law, Diane Oliver.

Diane was able to escape the fire by curling up with a wet shirt wrapped around her face and head and letting the fire burn over her.

Disoriented she eventually found the road. Passers found her in the street.

She was air lifted to Portland Oregon burn unit where she is expected to recover from her 50% body burns. Most burns are partial thickness (2nd degree) and doctor’s are hopeful they won’t need grafting. The back of her legs are more severely burned.

Savana Oliver-Hickey her daughter (my niece) and my nephew Elan Oliver are with her at the hospital.

Diane learned yesterday that the man she had shared her life with since she was 14, Ken Oliver (a Kearny Grad) did not survive the fire.

Along with the loss of Ken was everything else this couple had earned over the previous 50 years. Home. Belongings. Trees. Their 5 dogs.

Everything. Their homestead is now ash.

Danica Jordan is going to put together a GoFundMe for Diane.

If you can donate directly to me or Marsha Jackson the money will get to the family early.

(Elan and Savana missing work, hotel bill, gas, food. Basics.)

Thank you all for the love, support and concern for my family

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