The meeting will consist of a presentation by “Officer Joe” (not his real name for his protection) and Cathy Grindstaff. Joe is recognized as an expert on marijuana in municipal, state, and federal courts. He clearly understands the dangers that high potency marijuana inflicts upon our communities.
Here is the background why this meeting is being held and why it is so important that you attend.
In 2022 CA state legislators passed Senate Bill 1186, the “Medicinal Cannabis Patients’ Right Act” which prohibits cities and counties from impeding or restricting delivery of “medical Marijuana to patients or their caregivers. Yreka City staff is also interpreting this law to mean that since we do not currently have dispensaries that we must allow and provide Marijuana products storage in the city to facilitate delivery.
In April of 2023, Yreka applied for and was awarded a $115,000 grant from the State of CA. to initiate and implement medical Marijuana delivery in Yreka. See attached grant application for details.
My concern is that the grant will eventually lead to having a dispensary in Yreka. We already have a huge drug problem in Yreka resulting in increased thefts, shoplifting, homelessness, driving under the influence and overdoses in our schools. Studies show youth who live near marijuana dispensaries use more pot (JAMA Pediatrics. August 2021.)
It is really important that we have a big showing of concerned Siskiyou County residents at this city council meeting. You don’t necessarily need to speak during public comments as your presence at this meeting will speak volumes. The council members are influenced by numbers.
If you are not able to attend the city council meeting in person, then you can listen on the conference call line. I will be sending out the link after the agenda is posted on line this Friday. This meeting will be recorded. You will be able to watch it later on YouTube.
I will be having a meeting this Monday to plan our strategy for the Wednesday meeting. Please plan to attend. It will be at the Covenant Chapel church in Yreka at 6:30PM. It would be helpful if you would RSVP me for the Monday meeting.
We are cancelling our regular Thursday Patriots meeting on July 13th because we want all of you to attend the important City Council meeting this Wednesday instead.
We have no say in what our state does but we can have a say on what happens locally. Silence implies consent!! As for me, I do not consent.
In liberty,
Louise Gliatto
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