Many kids showed up to at the Weed Community Center’s outdoor pool to swim for free at Bel Air Park during the Grand Re-Opening Ribbon Cutting on Saturday, June 10th
Kim Greene who is the Mayor of the City of Weed and is also the director of the Weed Community Center, held the ribbon along with staff Christy Horning Robertson Forry, Board member Sue Tavalero, and Board President Paula Rossetto as pool director and lifeguard instructor Rich Viturino and his daughter Rhian who is also a lifeguard instructor cut the ribbon on the newly refurbished pools.

The restoration project to re-fiberglass both the little and main pool at 450 College Ave. in Weed’s Bel Air Park was completely upgraded with new skimmers and lighting which ended up costing over $250,000. The pools were originally built in 1966.
Weed Community Center Director Kim Greene made all this possible by acquiring a grant through Prop 68: State of California 2018 Parks & Water Bond.
The Rotary Club of Weed which supports many youth projects, was at this event offering free hotdog lunches to all who were there.

Of the 13 lifeguard staff, 4 are also water safety instructors (WSI) which will bring in a lot more classes for swimming lessons this year. Both Rich and Rhian Viturino are certified to teach WSI courses keeping the training in-house.

Lifeguard David Rivera in his 2nd year at the pool says, “It is a pretty fun job. It’s also a great learning opportunity that will take us far toward our career goals.”
Along with the youth swimming lessons, there are also lap swimming, aquatic aerobics, open swim, and night swimming three days a week. There is a recreational swim club and a competitive swim club with over 20 swimmers that compete year-round called the Megalodons.
Director Kim Greene and Board President Paula Rossetto, hold up flyers announcing new aquatic classes

People who are members of the Weed Community Center are already included and do not have to pay.
The pools are also available for private parties on the weekends. For more information about classes, swim times, or reserving the pool, call the pool at (530) 938-4701

During a public demonstration of an emergency action plan drill, lifeguards Miles Charter and Ian Lintz dive into the pool as if it were a real situation. After becoming certified, the lifeguards have weekly training and practices.

During the open swim, Ariel Peterson plays with her children 4-year-old Keigan and 2-year-old Graysven by letting them jump into the water.
The Weed Community Center offers scholarships and is asking the public for sponsorships.

For more information, or to donate, call (530) 938-4685
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Kim Greene WAS the mayor of Weed. And she is no longer on the city council.