By Lorenzo Love
Report on Yreka City Council Meeting 6 Dec 2022
Mayoral appointment to two seats on the Planning Commission:
Ann Ohlund and Marlee Billingsley
Approval of the Yreka Peace Officers’ Association (YPOA) Memorandum of UnderstandingDetails in the agenda. I think they got lowballed on the cost of living.
Fee waiver request of Development Impact Fees for owner’s investment property.
This is about the two houses that were moved from the site of the new courthouse. Bill Schmidt is running way behind on renovating and selling these homes and the development fee he owes the city has escalated from $6,994.43 to $22,442.66 with interest and penalties. The city really needs more homes and it’s not like anyone else is building single-family homes. But the city’s position is that it’s not fair to other developers to give Schmidt a waiver. Of the nine public comments on this matter, only one was against giving the waiver. In the end, the council agreed to freeze future interest and penalties until June 6, 2023. If he sells it by then, he pays the current $22,442.66. If not, the future daily compounded interest and penalties apply and he will have to pay the larger amount in full. No one was happy with this which many would say is the definition of a fair deal.
Recognition of Outgoing Councilmembers
Councilmember Smith Freeman and Mayor Pro Tempore Baird by other Councilmembers
Special Recognition for former Councilmember Norm Shaskey, term expired Nov. 2020
Swearing in Councilmember: Swearing in of incoming Councilmembers Colleen Baker, Drake J. Davis, and Paul Edward McCoy
Mayor of Yreka Selection
Corey R. Middleton
Mayor Pro Tempore of Yreka Selection
Paul McCoy
The meeting was made a little more interesting by someone falling in the dark just outside the council chambers and paramedics having to be called. The city can’t keep the lights on outside City Hall even when meetings are going on. It’s dangerous there.
There was more. Where were you?