CDFW Angler Update
Recreational anglers can still catch deeper water shelf rockfish species, like widow and yellowtail rockfish through Dec. 31. Anglers fishing north of Point Arena (38° 57.5′ N. lat.) can try their luck fishing for groundfish at any depth. Remember that yelloweye rockfish must still be released and anglers should use a descending device in order to minimize injury and mortality. For more information regarding groundfish regulations, management and fish identification tools, please visit the CDFW Marine Region Groundfish website.

Ocean Sport Fishing Interactive Web Map
Did you know CDFW has an easy way to check ocean sport fishing and marine protected area (MPA) regulations? The Ocean Sport Fishing Web Map provides location-based information on ocean fishing regulations. If you have an internet or cell connection and access to your smart phone or other mobile device’s location services, your current location is displayed on the map in relation to management area boundaries, including groundfish depth limits and MPAs. Clicking on any recreational fishing management area or MPA provides details about the regulations within that specific area. From the CDFW Marine Region home page, simply click “Ocean Sport Fishing Interactive Web Map”. You can also access the interactive map directly by visiting