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Laura Bynum, Clerk of the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors Announcements

  • one scheduled vacancy on the Public Health Solid Waste Hearing Panel, Technical position, with a four-year term expiring December 1, 2026.

The Public Health Solid Waste Hearing Panel was established in 1992. Members of the Panel serve four year terms, and members are selected for their legal, administrative or technical abilities in areas relating to solid waste management. At least one member shall be an expert with technical knowledge of solid waste management methods and technology, one member shall be representative of the public at large.

  • There are three scheduled vacancies on the Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District, with terms expiring November 26, 2026.

Members of the Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District shall be registered voters living within the district. Members are required to file Form 700, Statement of Economic Interest. For more information on this requirement, the County’s Conflict of Interest Code is available online on the County Clerk’s page at

Additional information is available from the California Fair Political Practices Commission,

  • There are three scheduled vacancies on the Siskiyou Resource Conservation District, with terms expiring November 26, 2026.

Members of the Siskiyou Resource Conservation District shall be registered voters living within the district. Members are required to file Form 700, Statement of Economic Interest. For more information on this requirement, the County’s Conflict of Interest Code is available online on the County Clerk’s page at Additional information is available from the California Fair Political Practices Commission,

If you would like further information contact the office of the County Clerk at 842-8084 or 1-888-854-2000 Ext 8084.

If you are interested in serving, please submit a letter of interest to the Board of Supervisors, c/o County Clerk, 311 Fourth Street, Room 201, Yreka CA 96097, no later than November 15, 2022.

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