Author: Jay A. Martin

Obituary Scott Valley Siskiyou Yreka

Nancy Lee Super

April 13, 1936  –  March 13, 2023 Reprint Girdner Funeral Chapel Obituary The Super family has not fully prepared (no one is really ever completely ready) to say our goodbyes to our dear mother, grandmother, great grandmother, Nancy Super. She has lived the full life. At the age of 86, the challenges […]

Featured News Scott Valley Siskiyou

Mount Hermon’s Application for Kidder Creek Orchard Camp Zone Change (Z-14-01) and Use Permit (UP-11-15)

Dear Honorable Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors, I call for the vote. Based on the information provided in this letter of protest, I believe there is an abundance of justifiable reasons that compels you to deny Mount Hermon’s application to expand the Kidder Creek Orchard Camp (KCOC) from 165 occupancy […]

Featured News Siskiyou


The Siskiyou County Republican Central Committee is pleased to announce that at the recent California CAGOP Convention in Sacramento attended by nearly 1400 delegates a Resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors announcing their support for the Citizens of Northern California and Southern Oregon who are trying to retain and preserve the historic Klamath Hydroelectric Facilities and the lakes behind them.

Latest News Siskiyou South County

Updated Replies Sent to Siskiyou News “Mt. Shasta High School to Require Porn Reading in the Freshman English Classroom!”

Email #4 Professional Judgemen According to Amazon, currently, 7,587 reviews submitted for “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian” give it an average rating of 4.6 out of 5. There is far more to the content of this piece of literature than selected lines printed in the Siskiyou News. […]

Featured News Scott Valley Siskiyou South County Yreka

Siskiyou Seeks Efforts To Retain The Hydroelectric Facilities.

Richard Marshall President of the Siskiyou County Water Users Association is giving a presentation to the CAGOP Convention in Sacramento, California on March 11th, 2023. The goal is to obtain a Resolution from the Convention supporting the Siskiyou efforts to retain the Hydroelectric facilities. This is a series as there […]