Obituary, Yreka

Victoria (Vikki) Lynn Evans (Grifantini)

March 12, 1948-November 3, 2023

Vikki passed away peacefully in a manner that everyone probably hopes for—surrounded by generations of family and in her own home.  She had been in declining health for several years, following a stroke and broken hip.

Vikki was born in Reno, Nevada and lived there and in Phoenix, Arizona during her youth.  Later, she moved with her family to Yreka, which was the ancestral home of her maternal side of the family.  There, she attended Yreka High School and College of the Siskiyous.

Her maternal side of the family included early Siskiyou settler lineages of the Walter, Spannaus, and Costello families.  Her fraternal side of the family, the Grifantinis, lived in Reno, Nevada, and immigrated to the U.S. in the early 1900s.

Vikki, as a youth, was exceptional in sports, in whichever event she chose to participated in.  She was a rapid sprinter, a graceful acrobatic synchronized swimmer, and a softball player with a lightning-bolt right arm.  She was an aggressive participant and tried hard to win in whatever she did!

Vikki spent much of her life in or near Yreka and gave birth to five girls.  The oldest, Toki, passed away years ago but the other four, Lynn, Ivy, Emily, and Anna survive her.  In addition, Vikki left her mother, a brother, and 11 grandchildren.

She loved the local mountains and valleys and, during her later years, would take drives, either by herself or with family members, exploring the countryside.  She had a strong love for old, rural wooden houses and would point at many of them, remarking on their beauty and how they were well-kept.  For each, she mentioned how it would be so peaceful to live in each one and let children live there, with room to range.

Perhaps above all, she was a consummate craftsperson, who could knit, crochet, and complete just about any other craft (even make pine needle baskets).  (Vikki was particularly interested in Native American motifs and created many items using those motifs.)  She prided herself in her workmanship and technical skills and her interests and aptitudes have continued on to other members of her family.  For a time she owned and operated a yarn and crafts shop in downtown Yreka.  Later on, for many years, she contributed her handwork to the Hospice Boutique, on Miner Street, and worked at the Hospice Thrift Shop.  Although, she admitted that that was an expensive place to volunteer, considering all the items she purchased while looking through the shelves!

Vikki’s family is in deep gratitude to the Madrone Hospice, who provided much needed assistance during her final months.  They encourage everyone to donate to that organization at 255 Collier Circle, Yreka, CA, 96097.

A celebration of Vikki’s life will be held at the Yreka Preservation Hall located at 304 Lane Street on November 26th, 2023 at 2PM.  All friends and family are welcome to attend.

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