Featured News, Yreka

Yreka Residents Facing 9.6% Sewer & Water Rate Hike in February 2024 or 63% in the next 5 years.

The “form” to protest is only at the City offices or included below for you to printout.
It is not on City of Yreka website.
Especially cumbersome on non residential places!

Calculating the increase for a home with a 3/4″ water line and the basic price (not including the price of water) will go up about 63% in the next 5 years. But to top it off, the City of Yreka in addition to their litany of rules, has a special form one must use this time around.

The attachment is a document that has “rules” that one must follow to “protest” rate hikes and the last couple of pages shows the various increases in what the rates will be.


This is especially cumbersome on non residential places that are large and have a large water line going into their property. I calculated the increase for a home with a 3/4″ water line and the basic price (not including the price of water) will go up about 63% in the next 5 years. But to top it off, the City of Yreka in addition to their litany of rules, has a special form one must use this time around. I will try to attach both documents for your information. The “form” to protest is only at the City offices, not on their website.



  1. Marieange Dobresk

    I pay 98 dollars in fees before I ever turn on my water. 98 dollars. My water tastes like crap. Salty, chlorinated. Now, you want to burden our citizens with a fee of over 150 dollars before we ever turn a spigot? I have so many complaints, but I work for the state and might hurt some feelings, and get in trouble at work. How about we fund a bond instead? The prices you have implemented are so outrageous people will not be able to live here. No wonder big business does NOT come to our county.

  2. The Native American

    Water is bad and not even drinkable on any scale. This will only increase the use of plastic while harming the environment.

    In other words, people will be forced to pay for a limited/crippled infrastructure. Rumors are that there’s also an increase of billing due to the trash, and clean up services because of the mess left around campments.

    This makes me wonder if the so called Jeffersonians would have done better trying to manage a new state without raising the proper funds /s.

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