Featured News, Scott Valley, Siskiyou, South County, Yreka

Far East Meets West: Bridging the Gap Between Two Different Cultures

Jay Martin, Peter Thao, and Mike Grifantini

Today I enjoyed a delicious lunch at Ming’s restaurant in Yreka with two distinguished gentlemen, Peter Thao of the Hmong-American Advisory Council of Siskiyou County, Inc. and Mike Grifantini of Siskiyou Historic Tours. 

I asked them both to help me bring Pacific Asian Heritage Month to Siskiyou County along with some East meets West history. Traditionally Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is held in May but that is not the only time to celebrate Asian culture and diversity. I am excited to work Mike and Peter as we explore the history of Asian and Western culture in Siskiyou County. Our goal is to debunk myths about Siskiyou County’s precarious Western Culture, its’ growing Asian community, and values of both. 

*In 1977 Representative Frank Horton introduced a resolution that would establish Pacific Asian Heritage Week. Senator Daniel Inouye introduced similar legislation that President Jimmy Carter signed in October 1978. 

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