Featured News, Scott Valley, Siskiyou, South County, Yreka

Mother’s Day Weekend of Shopping Extravaganza – Chainsaw Art – Golden Jackpot Show

The weather was delightful, despite the weatherman trying to make me frightful.
The Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds was a buzz with activities all weekend.

Mother's Day celebration and chainsaw competition

What Is a Jackpot Show?

Junior beef cattle exhibitors participate in the contest on Mother’s Day Weekend, May 12-14, 2023. The Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds beef barns will be filled with excitement and friendly competition, with the best cattle on the west coast stalled on the fairgrounds. Local youth are encouraged to participate in all the activities and to take this opportunity to witness some of the finest fitting and showing techniques anywhere. 

The weekend activities kicked off Friday, May 12th with the Mechanics Bank fitting contest, where exhibitors will have 90 minutes to wash and fit an animal. This event is free to the public and everyone is invited to come on out and watch the activities. Then on Saturday morning, The Siskiyou Golden Jackpot will start at 10 a.m. with Judge Tanner Barnes from West Terre Haute, Indiana lining up the entries.  Exhibitors from all over the West will compete for the title of “Grand Champion” and the $1,000.00 of prize money that comes along with the title. 

The fun continued until Sunday starting with the annual “Mother’s Day Showmanship” competition where mom gets to show how it is done on the halter.

“The caliber of cattle being shown is incredible.” 

Here is a short video I did with a drone showing some wood carving action!

Avery Theatre CDF&W CHSRA Copco Dunsmuir Dunsmuir Elementary Dunsmuir Wildcats Easter Egg Hunt Etna EtnaCa FERC Forest Service Irongate Iron Gate Junior High Rodeo KCOC klamath Klamath Dams Klamath National Forest klamath river Klamath River Dams KNF KRRC Main Street Homestead McCloud Montague Mount Shasta Mt Shasta obituary Rodeo Salmon Scott River Scott Valley Scott Valley Agriculture Water Alliance Siskiyou Siskiyou Art Museum Siskiyou County Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors Siskiyou District Attorney Office Siskiyou Golden Fair The Well USDA KNF weedca YPD Yreka

Do Not Forget to Splash & Dash


  1. I truly appreciate this post.Thanks Again. Really Cool.

  2. Thanks again for the post.Much thanks again. Cool.

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