Featured News, Siskiyou

Trouble In Dam Removal Paradise – Kiewit Has Pulled-Out of Klamath River Dam Project 

According to a Letter from FERC, “… Kiewit has aborted the Iron Gate Development drilling program in its entirety…” 

An old NASA phrase comes to mind… Houston, we have a problem!

In a letter dated April 9, 2024 from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (‘FERC’), Office of Energy Projects to Mark Bransom, CEO of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (‘KRRC’), FERC stated the following in Item 6 of their Letter (attached PDF):

6. According to Mr. Sean Iiams’ March 27, 2024 email to Ms. Elisabeth Jacquot-Matt of this office, Kiewit has aborted the Iron Gate Development drilling program in its entirety negating the requirement for the DPP. Therefore, we will not provide comments on the DPP. We remind you that you may not proceed with exploratory drilling in any of the project embankments without prior authorization from this office

 In the concluding paragraph of the Letter from FERC to KRRC, FERC said:

“We cannot authorize the Iron Gate Dam removal at this time based on the above comments.”
Looks like the engineering report from Stephen Koshy about the dangers of decommissioning a ‘clay-core’ dam might have finally come to light, and may have some folks worried!  It would make sense that the insurance underwriters on this project are starting to get really nervous about this ill-fated project. 

And I am certain that the states of California and Oregon need to be worried, since they are on the hook for all cost over-runs as well as liabilities on the Klamath Dam Removal project, according to an order by FERC.

Earthen dam engineer Stephen Koshy has written a Letter (attached PDF) to FERC and other agencies offering a grave warning. Maybe the insurance underwriters for project contractor Kiewit have new concerns?

(Please Note: It seems that Google and or some cooperating agencies have disabled and scrubbed links to the Koshy Letter that is attached to this article as a PDF)… WHY? 

Here is an excerpt from dam engineer Stephen Koshy’s Letter (attached PDF) to various agencies and the County of Siskiyou CA:

A quote from Letter to FERC and other government agencies by dam engineer Stephen Koshy: 

In the forgoing dam collapse scenario, over a million tons of mud-gravel and rock debris would move down the Klamath River covering the river bank and properties, including homes. The loss of life would be significant!

FERC-LETTER-to-KRRC KoshyLetter032812toGuarino


  1. Kristi Lawrence

    Wow this is awesome.

  2. Thank you Bill Simpson!!

    Truth Social is getting the word out


  3. You have all been fed a buch of bulshit.

  4. One can only hope….the lawsuits start flying…..from all that are damaged……& hope to get a apology from the native tribes…..that bought into the snake oil salesman…& also backed this tragedy…….they will have to give back the $$.

    The only fish to ever come back to this area will be in a round fish bowl from the county fair…prayers all around

  5. Colorblind Justice

    Thanks Bill. Latest is FERC greenlit the slow dismantling of Iron Gate from the top down??

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