
The Attack On Rural America by Eco-Terrorists

Cover photo: circa 1964, William and his dad on the ranch

I am working hard and doing my best to preserve the way of life that was formative to my own, Ranching.

Growing up on a working ranch and being in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) was the best time of my early life. And even though it was a hard life, it gave me a solid foundation to build upon.  And should that lifestyle disappear, America will be the worse for it, economically and morally.

One of my board members at Wild Horse Fire Brigade,  Mike Schultz, who supports our Plan to create more grazing for livestock by changing the way the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages America’s wild horses, sent me this important development cited in an article and video by Jim Mundorf. 

The elitists are moving-in for the kill on rural America and it’s ranchers and farmers from many directions, and on many fronts.  Now, they want to track and thereby control all livestock using RFID chips. And through government legislation (federal), they are mandating that all ranchers ‘chip’ their livestock. 

Here in my own County, Siskiyou County, CA, we are losing all of our water rights to the eco-terrorists who are taking down our dams on the Klamath River and looking to all the local tributaries as their next targets.

Photo: William with 5-mo. old Percheron-Iberian cross filly ‘Maddy’. 

The next move on the chess board may be checkmate.  

Ranchers are waiting too long to be proactive and pony-up the money and time to the people holding the line for them! We need new ideas for these new times from fresh minds.

Once farmers and ranchers lose their water rights, the land is virtually worthless because it can no longer produce food. And the elitists will roll-in and buy it up as distressed property for pennies on the dollar.

Here is the article titled ‘The Castrated Cattle Business by Jim Mundorf  

One Comment

  1. What this fella is discussing is a logical result of modern American Corporate Capitalism:

    The American Way

            This is the American way.
            The ruling class gets their way
            And the people get to pay.

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